Thanks a lot everyone! It is great to see such an active and helpful community here :-) In terms of school, I have to say that I am really torn at the moment. On one hand, I feel that it is absolutely absurd that we have to take catchment area into consideration when we only actually need the school in a few years. On the other hand, with London house price/stamp duty at where it is, it is hard to imagine that we will be able to afford to move twice. We have thought about selling and then renting for say two years before buying again to reduce the risk of shrinking catchment or school going downhill, but then the risks are that we will be priced out of the market if London house price keeps going up. The alternative is to squeeze a baby and four adults in a small two bed/1 bath flat (my parents plan to move in with us for a few years) for at least two years before looking to move which does not sound very appealing either. Sorry for the rambling? but long story short, after much debate, my husband and I decide that it is probably still a better option if we sell and buy into a catchment area now. But for all the above mentioned reasons, we feel that we really need to do our homework to make sure what we buy safely falls within the catchment area of a good primary state school that has low likelihood of deteriorating in the coming years. Obviously future is always hard to tell but hopefully Dulwich village schools and Bessemer Granger may fall into this category? Any thoughts?