I'm a leaseholder in Nunhead and I've been dealing with Southwark's shady service charges for a number of years with very little joy. I discovered after getting a breakdown of costs for the 5 years I have lived in my flat, that the majority of the 'repairs' haven't even been undertaken at my address (even though 'Estate' is defined as just the house split into two flats, where I live). So I've been charged for over 5 years for broken windows that are God knows where. Then the major works happened last year. I have no problem paying money for work done. I have a problem with only ever being given an estimate. The council don't seem to be very forthcoming with actual charges. After trying to get actual charges out of the council and Saltash, I ended up getting a solicitor. Mainly as the estimate outline of work doesn't actually match what has been done to my flat. Syed Abib, who is supposedly the fount of all knowledge, is insistent no work has actually been carried out at my address ? so presumably I completely imagined the scaffolding surrounding my flat for 3 months. Syed doesn't want to check as 'he has a lot of folders to go through'. Poor love. There was also another guy, Carlton Austrie, from Saltash, who is apparently a project manager, yet, he also cannot seem to locate the final cost / breakdown of work. He also couldn't seem to find the council reps' address who came to my flat to discuss the poor work, who does actually know the final breakdown. Funny that. My solicitor advised me to not pay anything as they are in breach of my lease (long story), so I haven't and now the council are sending me bullying letters, threatening to speak to my mortgage company unless I pay up in 10 days. I think there is strength in numbers, so I would be very happy to meet up with people to discuss this further and take action. There's been loads of instances (if you google) of Southwark over charging people and taking backhanders from contractors. Its our right to see actual costs and pay what is fair. I would even suggest this is actually very newsworthy, could it be worth speaking to the media about this to apply further pressure?! I'm intending on going to Nunhead library on 4th June at 6.30 to raise the issues of Major Works with the councillors there. If any one would like to join me, PM me here.