KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Talking to my neighbours on CP Road, keeping our > distance on opposite sides of pavement (I'm stood > at kerb, neighbour behind front gate). > A couple, running, just jog through between us. > Gobsmacked wouldn't even start to explain my > surprise ! > WTF > If I see these guys tomorrow there'll be another > thread. @kidkruger Can I ask where you thought they should go, given that you were taking up the whole pavement? I?ve been running several times a week, as I always have done. I try my absolute best to keep 2+ metre distance by going onto grass, into road, etc, but when you?re next to a busy road this is quite difficult. I have found that walkers seem to feel they have more claim to the pavement than joggers. We ALL need to keep a distance - it?s not up to one group only. As a previous poster mentioned, it would be helpful if walkers/those on the pavement also made an effort to move also!