I have observed that some saturation of the junction is caused by parents using the junction twice within a few minutes because they are dropping the kids off. It's not too much of an issue with those who use Greendale to drop off and loop back the big problem is Hillsboro Rd. So I offer up two suggestions for debate:- At Hillsboro they cut across the west-bound traffic using the cross-hatch box. This interrupts the traffic flow in BOTH directions. Then a few minutes later, after the U-turn, they emerge from Hillsboro and turn left. Invariably the west-bound traffic slows to let them out. This is double-dipping and it really messes up the efficiency of the junction and is probably the main reason that the longest tailbacks are westbound in the morning. I therefor offer up two suggestions for consideration and debate:- 1. Make Hillsborough one-way (in from EDG going East) for the first 50 metres. That way none of the local residents are inconvenienced and the Chelsea tractors can still use it but have to exit at the far end. 2.Get Alleyns to assist by using their semi-circular drive in front of the main building as a one way drop-off road ie in one gate and out the other. That way, half the Chelsea tractors would not need to use the EDG/Townley junction provided the exit from Alleys was made left turn only. Alleyns parents dropping off contribute to the problem so why shouldn't Alleyns assist with the solution? On a similar theme, if they have been given approval to use the Sea Cadets site as new parking, why not get them to use this as a part time drop off location instead?