Excellent suggestions all, and tremendous collaborative community spirit. As the founding and currently only member of the Off-Peak Path Walking Club I wholeheartedly second Maxxi's suggestion of "a poorly-lit, graffiti-adorned, piss-smelling subway...to provide the area with some much needed 'edge'. For Off-Peak Walking such a subway adds much desired je ne sais quoi. Baggs - You are quite right. My solution is, in fact, half-baked, as it takes no consideration whatsoever of the troublesome sticky gate, or ON-PEAK Walkers. Forgive me for coming on The Forum with clearly such a self-centred viewpoint with no consideration for the needs of others. Walking along the path in question in Off-Peak faux-privacy has clearly gone to my head, and I momentarily developed delusions of the whole area being solely dedicated for my enjoyment. Yours apologetically, H.