I live on a road at the bottom of Dog Kennel Hill, near to the Dulwich Hamlets FC. I have just heard that there is a planning application for 60 flats on the carpark there. We have not however, had any consultation letters about this,which I am surprised at as we live so close, and so I thought it was worth bringing it to locals attention who might be concerned about such a large proposed build project. We wonder why Southwark Council do not consider informing local residents about such applications? I will make comments on the website, but here is the link if anyone is interested. http://planningonline.southwarksites.com/planningonline2/AcolNetCGI.exe?ACTION=UNWRAP&RIPNAME=Root.PgeResultDetail&TheSystemkey=9537885 this is an extract from the application: Redevelopment of existing car park and car wash site to provide a part 3, 4 and 5 storey building comprising 60 residential units (21 x 1-bed, 26 x 2-bed and 13 x 3-bed) with associated landscaping, amenity space and access to basement which provides 30 car parking spaces and 70 cycle parking spaces.