Hi all. Am currently weaning my 6 month old but have heard differing advice which has confused me slightly! I've been reading the Gina Ford weaning book and using that as a guide as to times and menus. I've been weaning him fairly slowly and giving 2 meals, veg puree at 11am and baby rice and fruit at 5pm. The milk feeds haven't dropped loads - and what has confused me is the health visitor saying I should give solids first and then top up on milk at the end...whereas Gina Ford and Miriam Stoppard say always offer milk first. I've always breastfed but started giving a bit of formula before the 11am feed to wean him off the breast slowly as I go back to work in January. He's taking the bottle fine, but I am now bit reluctant to go totally formula due to convenience of breastfeeding (especially out and about!). It just seems there's so many differing opinions out there on what to wean and when, it's left me a bit confused. He's also started to wake more in the nights than he used to, which is making me wonder if solids are part of that problem or not! Anyway, if anyone has any advice on milk before or after solids - should I just stop the milk feeds (after 5 weeks of weaning) and at 6 months and a half should I start introducing breakfast, finger foods, and stop pureeing so that the food is more mashed - pulsed. Many thanks, confused new mum!