Hi, Mum of a 3 year old boy here, just began the open day visits to primary schools as he is due to start reception sept 2015. I have been panicking slightly to the idea of handing over my 4 year old to be 'schooled', and as a result begun looking into homeschooling. Has anyone else considered this? Bit of background, I have been through state school and had a good experience. I'm not against schooling (son currently attends his 15 hours at lovely kindergarten and thoroughly enjoys his play here) But as as a parent will of course look at the system differently than I did as a child. I feel very lucky to live in an area where the quality of schools are good and outstanding and also to have amazing private schools on the doorstep (should I find a way to fund that!), however I do believe in my own ability to teach my own child as I have done so far. Given the growing community of homeschoolers, there seems to be a vast array of support and frequent social opportunities. Has anyone considered and then been put off? Or felt the inevitable pressure to send them anyway? If so I would be interested to hear your story? I am a fan of Montessori style/child led learning, and do trust that a child wants and will learn intuitively school or no school. I have perhaps been swayed slightly by a few interesting TED talks on education and do wonder how much of the child is nurtured throughout the school process, given so much time and emphasis is put on results of subjects 'we' tell them are important. Most children have a good time at school I imagine and endure it like most people do, I just wonder and am interested to hear if the alternative brings anything .....more? Would be happy for any thoughts, feedback, advice.