Hello, Our cat Xena is missing. Unfortunately i dont have a picture small enough to load on here, but he is black and white with kind of strange black blobs on his back which kind of looks like a face, a black tail and black nose. We are very anxious, especially as our previous cat was stolen and killed. I?m sure some of you have heard of London?s cat killer. It is very unusual for Xena to go further than the neighbours back garden and he always comes back to the house when called. He?s quite timid of people and isn't the best at climbing so is most likely stuck somewhere high up. He is currently wearing a purple paisley bandana, is micro chipped and neutered. Please check your gardens/roof tops and keep an ear out for meows, and call me straight away on 07534053772. Also, please call even if you see someone carrying him in case he?s being stolen. Many thanks, Chloe and Billy x