Sue, GG along with some of the similar alternatives proposed in here are an MVNO, where MNO stands for mobile network operator, and where the V does not but should in my opinion stand for eVil! these Johnnycomelatelys are encouraged by regulators to camp on MNOs networks FOR THEIR OWN (referring to the MVNOs) PRIVATE gain, when they have made none of the financial investment to roll out the network themselves, Norwood have the expertise to maintain it should the MNOs be temporarily indisposed. In my view this is SHORT SIGHTED! it's akin to taking the cheap poor quality mass produced and imported merchandise instead of supporting local by buying LOCAL! That said, if you are minded to go with an MVNO, I would recommend avoiding using one whose marketing dept, and management are clearly so devoid of soul, taste or morals as "LIFE MOBILE". Giff Gaff would seem like a fine choose relatively, for benchmarked consumers. Best