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Everything posted by Henry_17

  1. RH, Links ??
  2. You will never please everyone with a train. Public transport in general suffers from this but trains are particularly prone. The narrow corridors, the incumbent window squatter, the last polite man to board, these will never work in London with the culture.
  3. Dianne Abbot. She would nestle up to them closely on the negotiating sofa until they submitted due to the awkwardness.
  4. I see a bit of the Gervais in Crabb.
  5. This guy.
  6. Blah Blah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Inflation was an average of 9% for a start in > 1973. Thank heavens CPI no longer reflects shelter costs!
  7. Henry_17


    Strong logic from the EU hardball politicians. Country votes to leave group due to disgruntlement with unelected governing. Instantly increase vindictiveness level to incentivise other sceptics.
  8. Henry_17


    Sue, GG along with some of the similar alternatives proposed in here are an MVNO, where MNO stands for mobile network operator, and where the V does not but should in my opinion stand for eVil! these Johnnycomelatelys are encouraged by regulators to camp on MNOs networks FOR THEIR OWN (referring to the MVNOs) PRIVATE gain, when they have made none of the financial investment to roll out the network themselves, Norwood have the expertise to maintain it should the MNOs be temporarily indisposed. In my view this is SHORT SIGHTED! it's akin to taking the cheap poor quality mass produced and imported merchandise instead of supporting local by buying LOCAL! That said, if you are minded to go with an MVNO, I would recommend avoiding using one whose marketing dept, and management are clearly so devoid of soul, taste or morals as "LIFE MOBILE". Giff Gaff would seem like a fine choose relatively, for benchmarked consumers. Best
  9. Scary, frightening, terrifying, upsetting.
  10. Singed notwithstanding OPs lazy grammer
  11. Lol at Costa signalling gentrification.
  12. Henry_17


    Jacks, Imo Saffron knows what he / she is talking about. If you don't want to trawl through 1st year uni text books I suggest you visit Lyle MacDonalds site. You can read through posts from a few years ago which cover all this or pay a few quid for the ebook which covers this specific topic in reasonable but not exccessive detail.
  13. Blah, For clarity, if this scenario you spell out plays out, would you view it in the spirit of democracy that we have a change of government due a few spads not having stayed outside the ring road? And / or do you believe the public were defrauded, and would have voted differently had they known that these MPs had overspent their campaign budgets with respect to hotels?
  14. Renata, that is a hopeful hope indeed.
  15. Barry's on Barry road is what you were looking for.
  16. TC, It will not benefit you to expend concern with examples such as these.
  17. There was an episode of first dates where they paired up two science type people and the guy told her that her preferred ranking of Star Wars movies was acceptable but not correct. He didn't get the girl.
  18. Alan, The reply is BS. All they need to do is make an assumption about the timing of your payments and have access to a calendar. I would be amazed at a bank that did not have software which can do this. He is essentially saying he can't predict what length future months will be which of course is a matter of fact not speculation. I would borrow as much as you ca from this man as he seems like an imbecile.
  19. Henry_17


    Wow that Gaurian review is full of innacuracies, at least do some research.
  20. London Mix, Nice detective work!
  21. Richard Madley http://happyfingersproductions.com/guest-posts/defending-the-indefensible/
  22. Jacks, Carbs look high, why do you need all those are you also doing cardio? I would switch carbs to protein until you at least are having more protein than carbs. If I were eating all those carbs I would definitely feel bloated and struggle to eat everything also. Other than that if you haven't tried reverse pyramid training that might help if stalling.
  23. Jacks, What are the macros of the 4k? How often are you training? What is your routine? Crackerjam, Source for body better at building muscle in morning?
  24. All for more housing stock but dread the prospect of a strobe light in that location. What is wrong with two levels of housing, or a even better a pub plus some housing. More creativity required.
  25. Henry_17


    Jeremy, Does it make me a better or worse person to resist the none that I of know of line?
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