According to the renowned Pinko Paper, Liz TRUSS is to relax immigration rules for those sectors which might rather do better with a few Johnny Fs thrown into the mix. As a Johnny F myself, I was delighted to read that such relaxations would include less strict requirements to have mastered the mother tongue of this great nation before being granted stay - but - not for a self-interested motivation, but rather because a good deal of those one meets here do seem to be allergic to the concept of the past participle. So, of the following options, regarding the policy proposal described, as well as others such as reducing the highest marginal income tax rate, which would you choose? truss /trʌs/: 1. a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or other structure. OR: 2. a surgical appliance worn to support a hernia, typically a padded belt. OR: 3. tie up the wings and legs of (a chicken or other bird) before cooking. [Other bird presumably being the United Kingdom in this instance]