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Just wondering, does anyone know when construction would have to begin by in order for children to start in Sept 2016? Is there a point beyond which a school opening would have to pushed back to Sept 2017? Who actually owns the site at the moment? Parents will need to fill out applications in a little over a years time - it all seems like a really tight timescale given the site is still wasteland... Is is realistic? (I really hope it is!)
I have never met James Barber, and neither incidentally do I happen to share many of his political views, but along with many other parents of primary school age children would like to offer heartfelt thanks for his work on this project. The need for a new local secondary school has been looming for a long time, and whereas many (myself included) have fretted at dinner parties, talked in general terms of moving away, but generally buried our heads in the sand, he has actually initiated this campaign which appears to have brought about results and action. That to me is a local politician doing his job well, and the bitchy comments now being posted about where he decides to send his children is to me an illustration of the EDF at its worst (incidentally if indeed he has no vested interests in securing a place at this school for his own family then that to me makes the effort he's put in on the project even more impressive) Why on earth shouldn't the Lib Dems claim credit? He's a Lib Dem councillor for goodness sake - it would be odd if they didn't...! What we need now is for the new school to get the go ahead and be built as quickly as possible - 2 years seems pretty tight. Given the steering group have explained their reasons for choosing Askes then anything that might slow down that process should be avoided. I don't know whether Charter's proposal might do that - but if it might, then please Charter have a rethink. Were your counter proposal to somehow delay the process and push the school back by another year then I suspect there will be an enormous amount of local ill feeling towards you. If not then great - let the best proposal win, and let's get this school up and running asap!!
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
*Bob* - as you'll see if you go back to my first post, this was never a signature collecting excercise, it was an invitation for those who wanted to to respond to the Davies led review into airport capacity. To 'have their say'. I thought that was fairly obvious but hey sleep disruption can affect concentration so I'll forgive you. -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
Jah Lush - in answer to your question, the title to this thread is "Aircraft Noise - have your say". I created it in April 2011 as an opportunity to flag up to anyone who wanted to respond to the review subsequently published in Dec 2013 by Sir Howard Davies into airport capacity in the south east of England. Presumably you submitted your views, outlining how aircraft noise is a complete non-issue in East Dulwich and those who think it is should just buy some ear plugs? If not then never mind, I am sure there are many who will still be glad to receive and publish them - the letters page of Heathrow's in house staff magazine for example. Go for it - have your say. StraferJack my point about the 176 bus was intended to illustrate the strange anger - apparent here - that seems to be emanating from people annoyed at others who have dared to claim to be affected by something that doesn't bother them. I have no views either way on the 176 bus. Hence I personally couldn't be ar..d to wade into a thread started by those who do, or to dispute their experiences. And besides - for all your denials you might be Willie Walsh for all I know. Or Richard Branson posting from your laptop in Necker Island. I have no idea and never will. And as I say the anonymity offered by a forum such as this by its very nature theoretically allows anyone to keep vested interests hidden. -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
"Why do Jah Lush KidKruger *Bob* El Pibe amongst a number of posters on here appear intent at one level or other of insisting / telling those of us who have become increasingly bothered by the every increasing aircraft noise to bury our heads in the sand.?????????? Are they the missing link between us normal Humans and Ostrich? Do they have some other agenda ? Shares in Heathrow associated companies a desire to avoid negative topics Re East Dulwich? FFS The mind does boggle!" This thread has clearly gone a bit ranty, but I have to say I too find it very odd that those not affected by an issue would take the time and effort to even read, let alone then post such vociferous comments a) denying the issue's existence and b) denegrating those who claim to be affected by it ("176 bus overcrowded? RIDICULOUS! IF you want to get into the West End MOVE NEARER. Or just BUY SOME ROLLERSKATES!") The noise clearly varies depending on wherabouts in the area you live, quality of windows, how light a sleeper you are etc - and I am genuinely pleased that many aren't affected by it - but to attack those who post here saying they are is downright peculiar in my opinion. The only people I can think of who would go to the effort to do so would be a)the incredibly bored b)estate agents and/or house owners fearful of the effect "East Dulwich/Peckham blighted by flightpath" headlines might have on houseprices c)shareholders/employees of BAA/British Airways/Virgin etc. It would be fascinating to know whether those descriptions are accurate in this case, but sadly we'll never know. Such is the beauty/frustation of an internet forum like this..... Ho hum -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
This looks bad.... http://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/full-details-of-heathrow-night-flight-plans-dug-up-by-campaigners-9125613.html?origin=internalSearch The problem as I see it is that we don't really benefit from runway alteration. Planes for both runways fly over East Dulwich and Peckham so (and I'm happy for someone to try and convince me otherwise) the result in our part of town will be a doubling of flights between 5 and 6am. At least those further west will 'benefit' from a weeks respite - we won't. It ties into the myth that Heathrow flight noise is just a West London problem. It isn't. -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
well this debate has certainly rumbled along like an early morning 747 since I started this thread.... Just to point out to Fazer, the Early Morning Respite Trials, the link to which you posted, were in fact tried out last year, and generally made the situation in our part of London worse - creating as HACAN put it, a 'noise corridor' over Brockley, parts of East Dulwich and Peckham. By avoiding the zones marked on the map, the planes actually flew more frequently over us instead. There was a fair amount of press about this and thankfully Heathrow say they don't plan to reintroduce them. So I wouldn't recommend calling for their return! The e-petition looks like a good idea though. And as far as glazing/shutters go, we installed secondary glazing, (different to double glazing) using acoustic glass and installed by City Sound. It ain't cheap, and you can still hear some of the planes, but they are a darn sight quieter now. Part of the problem here is the amount of Victorian housing stock often fitted with thin single glazed panes, which offer chuff all sound insulation.. and two or three days of easterly winds are forecast, so there won't be any early morning arrivals for a while - happy sleeps everyone! -
Night flights consultation out
SplendidLikePeckham replied to Medley's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
If the wind is over 5 knots, the plane will land into it. The preference element kicks in if there's no wind, a cross wind or a wind under 5 knots. Westerly preference (which applies now) means landing over london (and us!) is the default. Easterly preference would change that. It wouldn't rid us of early morning arrivals entirely, but there would be more days (if there were light winds, no wind etc) when we wouldn't get them -
Night flights consultation out
SplendidLikePeckham replied to Medley's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
It's not exactly a light read, but please if you are bothered by flights at 4.45am (and yes I know many don't hear them/think those who moan are Nimbys/reckon we should move out of London if we don't like it etc etc) then please respond in some way. We've had a bit of a respite recently with wind blowing in from the east, but looks like they'll be back in a day or so. As I see it you don't have to go through each point one by one, but simply sum up your feelings/frustrations on the matter, taking on board some of the suggestions raised. The more respondents from this part of London, the more likely the D o T is to take notice - incredibly because of the bizarre way decibels are averaged out over a day - aircraft noise isn't officially regarded as a nuisance here! Whilst it's extremely unlikely that pre 6am flights are going to be scrapped, what could make a real difference to us would be a switch to easterly preference in the morning, which is mooted. That would mean a big reduction in the number of days on which flights arrive over us/South London, and more days when they arrive from the west. I think this would be logical and fair - planes arriving that way overfly far fewer people than those arriving over London, the Dept of Transport admit as much. Quite honestly I find it bizarre that easterly preference doesn't operate at that time already - and I would urge others to support the idea.... -
E.D.Station controlled parking zone
SplendidLikePeckham replied to joobjoob's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Just wanted to flag up this info about the petition which was posted on the other thread...as more are likely to see it on this one WHERE TO SIGN THE PETITION only a petition stands any chance of stopping this. It needs to be presented by Friday You can sign our petition to stop the CPZ at all of the following local businesses (they?ve all got copies of the petiotn sheets) Please, please can as many people try to sign before Thursday, as the petition has to be presented on Friday. So, make sure you stop in for a drink/plant/asprin /newspaper/paintbrush on the way home tonight and SIGN THE PETITION And please encourage as many people to do the same. SARP Newsagents (on corner Grove Vale & Melbourne Grove, near station) The VaLE Pub, Grove Value Shauns DIY, Grove Value Dulwich Garden Centre Mark & Son Newsagent, Grove Vale (Next to Shauns DIY) Petals (clothes shop), Melbourne Grove Therapy, Melbourne Grove Angel Upholstery, Melbourne Grove Ronnies Supermarket, East Dulwich Grove Dolphin Dry Cleaners, East Dulwich Grove (corner with Glengarry) -
E.D.Station controlled parking zone
SplendidLikePeckham replied to joobjoob's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Mr Barber, thank you for your response. I have an SE15 postcode, so technically I live in Peckham, as do many others who will be affected by this. My residence is not "far" from the proposed CPZ as you suggest but right next to it. In fact Ondine Road has an SE15 postcode and it is within the zone. I will contact Barrie Hargrove as per your suggestion, and urge others to do the same. -
E.D.Station controlled parking zone
SplendidLikePeckham replied to joobjoob's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
"Could a larger area been consulted - yes but minimising communications spend was one of the administrations pledges when they were elected with a majority - people voted for less money on comms which means less money for consultations." Oh please. A piece of paper saying something along the lines of "A controlled parking zone is being proposed on surrounding roads which could have an impact on parking on your street. Please log on to the Southwark website for more info and let us know your views" could easily have been put through letterboxes at negligible cost. Mr Barber are you really suggesting that a need for "minimising communications spend" stopped that from happening? What has infuriated many is that they have only found out about this via this forum. You keep directing people to the official response document, and yet this makes clear it is only seeking the views of those who live in the proposed CPZ So for clarity... - If those living on surrounding streets outside the CPZ want to make their views known, in a way that means they will be officially "registered" and noted in any statistics subsequently used to justify the decision - who should they contact? - Can you confirm that those views will also be taken on board by the Council when making their decision? Thank you -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
.....and anyone who is bothered by this and tempted to think it's not worth responding to the consultation should bear in mind what happened with Heathrow's 3rd runway. In early 2009 that was looking like a done deal, Geoff Hoon having given the go ahead. Some on this thread would probably have suggested those campaigning against it should move to Orkney/accept the fact we live in a global capital city/stop moaning etc etc ... but the campaign went on, the Conservatives (whatever your view of them) clearly recognised it as a hot election issue, promised to overturn the decision and promptly did so on forming the Coalition. Like them or not, this Government is evidently prepared to make decisions that annoy the aviation industry. My personal hunch is this is because west London areas such as Richmond and Kew, blighted by noise for decades, are traditionally Tory, and Labour tended not to be so bothered by what people living there thought. A totally unresearched generalisation I know. So to generalise yet more......... my conclusion is that many people (ie voters) don't like aircraft noise, especially very early in the morning. The present Government has demonstrated it recognises the issue as a potential vote winner. This consultation is a golden opportunity to ensure they know how widespread the affected areas are, and call for a reduction/ban/flight path variation of early morning landings. Personally I think any party(within reason) that pledged to ban Heathrow landings before 6am would secure hundreds of thousands of votes at the next election -
Aircraft noise - have your say...
SplendidLikePeckham replied to SplendidLikePeckham's topic in The Lounge
interesting to see the range of responses so far - appreciate some people are totally unaffected - good for you?.. to clarify some points though? "Splendid, if it weren't the aircraft waking you up it'd just be something else, bin-men, milkman, foxes shagging etc etc - you live in a big city after all?" wrong I'm afraid - when the wind is blowing from the east and the early morning planes land over Reading, Windsor etc instead, bin-men, milkmen, foxes shagging etc etc don't wake me up. In fact I sleep vey well thanks. I can confirm it is indeed aircraft. "The deafening silence of the close of airspace that volcanic ash brought upon us had the potential to bring the world economy to the ground. Consider the facts before a few hours undisturbed sleep" Of course a ban on flying would bring the global economy to its knees. Nobody's suggesting that - just a limit to the number of aircraft landing before 6am., and most importantly not an increase?.The fact there is a limit now (16) is proof surely that even the Govt recognises the need for some kind of curb - otherwise this "global capital city" would allow landings and take offs 24 hours a day?? Do you think that would be a good idea? and yes I do wear earplugs., and yes they do help a bit. But sometimes they fall out, and you can't hear kids calling out?. -
I know aircraft noise is a concern to many forumites, myself incuded, especially early morning aircraft heading to Heathrow to land. A new night flight regime is due to be brought in next year. It will dictate how many aircraft are allowed to land before 6am for the next few years - there is a chance the number could go up which could make the situation worse. So please, if you are bothered by this issue take a few minutes to look at and respond to the Dept of Transports Aviation consultation "scoping document" ...page 32 looks at the issue of night flights (those between 11pm and 6am). At least it does acknowledge the problem, so there is hope that something might be done to curb the number of early landings or vary the approach paths... The consulation ends in September. Aviation consultation There's more info here as well.... Hacan You don't have to give a vastly detailed response, and you only need to look at the specific issues you are bothered by, but traditionally this is seen as a West London problem, and the anti-noise lobby in that side of town has certainly been more vocal .I have read that because there are viewer complaints from South East London it is not "officially" seen as a problem here, and yet for many it clearly is. And yes before anyone asks I do occasionally fly on aircraft myself, and no I don't think we should all be flying by balloon instead. I simply think that the lives of many people could be improved if they weren't woken at a quarter to five in the morning, and believe a change to the current policy of allowing 16 planes to land before 6am could bring a real improvement to the lives of hundreds of thousands of Londoners right across the capital ... and I'm not the only one (yes the research below was commissioned by Hacan, but it certainly has a ring of truth about it in my opinion) Night flights article
East Dulwich Forum
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