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Everything posted by Thunderblue600

  1. Warning fish salesman near Peckham Rye, using forceful tactics Found this post via nextdoor Jim Waterson, Peckham Rye Park Warning that fish salesman are working their way around the area near Peckham Rye, using forceful tactics to push into people?s homes despite the lockdown, and then overcharging massively for fish. The food is unlabelled and looks in bad condition. Could easily scam people.
  2. Found this post via nextdoor Jim Waterson, Peckham Rye Park Warning that fish salesman are working their way around the area near Peckham Rye, using forceful tactics to push into people?s homes despite the lockdown, and then overcharging massively for fish. The food is unlabelled and looks in bad condition. Could easily scam people.
  3. Juliet you so should your appeal via fb groups Nunhead Rocks! & Telegraph Hill Noticeboard
  4. Not before time at last I can share with you the creation of a very much 'OPEN' fb group dedicated to all things about 'Elvis From Nunhead' PLEASE DO JOIN - AND - PLEASE ALSO SHARE Photos & Videos - There are THOUSANDS but they never seem to see the light of day. Spread the word - do invite your friends to join. You can also be kept up to date on future socially distanced 'Elvis From Nunhead Salvation Army Fundraisers' Over ?3500 raised so far to help fund weekly meals for the vulnerable in SE15 www.facebook.com/groups/1076563256108202
  5. Aaron Arter ?Elvis From Nunhead? UK Live Music Real World Lock Down Record Breaker! This exceptional 20yo with learning difficulties against all the odds has sung live since March over 150 times, including advertised fundraisers for The Salvation Army raising ?3441 so far to help feed the vulnerable in SE15. This total of live music appearances far exceeds that of any artist in the UK. ?I only want to make people happy.? Recipient of a Jack Petchey Foundation Community Award and star of ?The King of SE15? Aaron you are very special. If you are reading this post and wish to make a donation towards The Salvation Army Nunhead your contribution will help provide meals ( over 200 every Thursday ) created for the vulnerable in SE15, follow this link: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/nunheadsalvationarmy
  6. David has now been over three weeks without alcohol and is doing really well - we have actually also become close friends, and I have gained so much from the friendship. Thanks for all the advice.
  7. Holly Hinton‎? Hey everyone, I have a huge favour to ask! Please can you share this post for me? A lady left this on the overground train, I think she got off at Peckham. It?s got a special message inside so must mean something to her. With everything going on with corona, the station I tried to hand it into refused to take it! Apparently TFL don?t do lost property hand-in?s anymore. Can we get this book back to its proper home?!
  8. Really appreciate your message - can we exchange numbers? mine is 07903567922 Would be terrific if I could arrange for you to meet with my friend David in his flat - Peckham London SE15 would that be possible?
  9. Hope might give some ideas to anyone that has been having mental health or addiction challenges. Thanks FB Mental Health Believe UK for this badge 'You're a top fan! Keep engaging with this Page to maintain your top fan status.' LOL I only made a few recent comments. Anyway I love this post - since the slow journey to recovery that started on June 1st 2019 my starting over has been very connected with nature and has played a significant part of my recovery - having a back garden has been a god send, my project started on Feb 9th 2020 and was only completed this week. Jones's Mill at the Vera Jeans Reserve ( managed by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust www.wiltshirewildlife.org/joness-mill-the-vera-jeans-reserv? ) Dursden Ln, Pewsey SN9 5JN which came into my life last year near my dear Cousin & Aunty has been joy to experience, near the source of one of the eight river Avon's the little stream. the watercress beds ( delicious by the way ) the open meadows, the wooded areas and right by the enchanting Kennet & Avon canal just one hour from London by train. For weeks now I have in all weathers been barefoot 24/7 this helps me to feel more connected with everything and lol helps me to remove small stones from the lawn which I have been 'making over.' There is pure joy in watching things grow - if you don't have a garden think about pots or containers for a balcony - if neither are options seek out your nearest community garden - connecting with other like minded people is also great for mental health. Seek out your nearest nature reserve,community garden or park you have never visited before, there are so many hidden gems on our doorstep. Also at least just once a day check out FB Mental Health Believe UK there are many messages of hope.
  10. No still missing my dear friend Amanda is very distressed
  11. Dear Blah Blah Your advice is much appreciated will share with my friend Amanda. You ALWAYS share great advice Thank you.
  12. Thanks for all the feedback - do hope my dear friend is re-united with her cat soon
  13. UPDATED 9th July: Hi - just to add to the info above. This lovely tabby/white/tortoiseshell cat escaped whilst being rehomed outside SOAMES ST SE15 on 6th July. Her two kittens are safe but missing her. Unfortunately guy dropping her off didn't use a carrier and the cat escaped. She is now out, scared and in totally unfamiliar surroundings! As Amanda's post says she's very very nervous so hoping someone can gently entice her with food without scaring her (see details on attached image). Amanda Mopps‎Nunhead rocks! 8th July 2020 Please please can someone put this on East Dulwich Forum for me I'm about to smash my laptop in tears and frustration as I can't do it (I'm not from the techno savvy generation) I need someone to help me and I know there are some amazing people in this group. HELP!!!
  14. www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/over-10000-residents-are-on-the-shielding-list-in-southwark/ Me thinks big issue is that you can only apply for support on-line So many that are 'falling between the cracks' Maybe Nunhead Knocks could organise a one off leaflet drop to all residents.Such a pity that so many are not taking advantage of this offer. We also need to be aware that 85% of people over 60 do not use the internet or have fancy phones. 'But despite a huge public awareness campaign, less than half these people counted by the council are formally registered with the government?s own shielded list and, of this group, only 46 per cent (or 2,060 residents) are receiving government-sponsored food deliveries.' If anyone reading this post is aware of a neighbour that could benefit please urge them to contact Southwark Council Note: It seems you can only apply 'on-line' for emergency support - so if the neighbour is not 'connected' please offer to help if you have a 'device' www.southwark.gov.uk/benefits-and-support/emergency-support
  15. Dear Jules and Blah Blah your advice is much appreciated and yes the big issue is that he lives on his own - my friend has now been offered 121 socially distanced AA support twice weekly and he is very keen to attend. I will discuss your feedback with the person running the AA Group.
  16. Yesterday 22 June a chance encounter outside Kristal Pharmacy connected me with a 63yo gentleman. For five years he was alcohol free and had been attending AA groups, come the lock down all such support ended and the guy fell off the wagon. 'I have trouble sleeping, awake since 2am it is a long wait until 6am when the off licence opens and I can get my vodka, I have fallen between the cracks, my life is falling apart I am desperate for help, I don't have a computer, calling a helpline or joining a whatsapp group is no use, I need 121 socially distanced help.' So I took details and shared that I could not make any promises but would try and help in some way. What struck me hard was the realisation that no doubt this poor guy could be the tip of an iceberg I imagine there could be literally hundreds of thousands of ex 'addicts' that as a consequence of the lock down have relapsed - there has been plenty of media about cases of domestic abuse going through the roof - what about alcohol & drug 'addiction'? All over London there are wonderful COVID-19 Support Groups including here Nunhead Knocks with over 1500 volunteers, however I imagine they are not 'equipped' to help anyone that has relapsed due to alcohol or drugs. I can't save the world, but if just this one guy could be helped then maybe by small steps others that have 'fallen between the cracks' in time can also get 'real world' support. We need to be aware that so many that need help are without internet access and invariably have a very basic phone. The offer of a PC or a new phone ('you can join our whatsapp group, you can join our Zoom group, you can call this support line') is exactly NOT what these people need. So I am reaching out to anyone reading this post that has AA Support experience that is prepared to offer socially distanced 121 help for this guy. For your information lives in Nunhead. If anyone can help please send me a private msge. Please keep the feedback non judgemental and focused on trying to help this guy.
  17. For the record I take it everyone is referring to: http://www.hunterheatingsolutions.co.uk/
  18. Shellyanne Selwyn-Graham‎Nunhead rocks! Hi guys, as you know Nunhead Knocks has been doing some awesome things in the community. A food drop off point has now been set up for people to donate food that can be shared out to those in our community in need. The first one is tomorrow from 12 -3 outside 62a Nunhead Grove - very near Nunhead Surgery. It's the big white building - it was the Age Concern building back when I was little! If you can donate, many thanks, and if you're looking to volunteer to help out then follow the above link to the Nunhead Knocks group and join us! #lovenunhead #SE15community
  19. COVID-19 Heroes 2 Sisters Tandoori & The WHYCCOVID-19 Heroes 2 Sisters Tandoori & The WHYC Another 20 free meals delivered by Katie Worthington in partnership with Nunhead Knocks & The Salvation Army . The @WHYCNunhead are all #heroes! #socialaction #nunhead #thankyou Thanks to the incredible #kindness of Mohammed & team Mohammed at 2 Sisters is now helping the community during this crisis in FOUR ways. 1) Sunday night curry special for Nunhead Knocks from 2 Sisters Tandoori Award 2016. Mohammed and his great team are offering a delicious chicken and vegetable curry with rice for ?5:50 (normally ?6:95) of this he will donate ?2:50 per dish to Nunhead Knocks. To take advantage of this great offer please phone them 0207 277 7635 / 0207 639 6696) and put your order in by 6pm on Saturday 18th April - the food will be ready to collect at 6pm on Sunday evening 19th April. 2) 20 free biryani meals every Sunday collected by Katie Worthington from the WHYC 3) COVID-19 Free Meal Offer: ?Help your elderly neighbour? Takeaway Customers - when placing your order, If you are aware of an elderly neighbour who could benefit from a free meal, Quote COVID-19 Free Meal Offer and confirm choice of Chicken Biryani or Vegetable Biryani. 4) 10% discount for all NHS Staff. Note: All the above are valid for April then will be reviewed. Free Delivery Min ?18 spend within 2 miles ( 3.22km ) of SE15 2AS www.2sisterstandoori.com
  20. Another 20 free meals delivered by Katie Worthington in partnership with Nunhead Knocks & The Salvation Army . The @WHYCNunhead are all #heroes! #socialaction #nunhead #thankyou Thanks to the incredible #kindness of Mohammed & team Mohammed at 2 Sisters is now helping the community during this crisis in FOUR ways. 1) Sunday night curry special for Nunhead Knocks from 2 Sisters Tandoori Award 2016. Mohammed and his great team are offering a delicious chicken and vegetable curry with rice for ?5:50 (normally ?6:95) of this he will donate ?2:50 per dish to Nunhead Knocks. To take advantage of this great offer please phone them 0207 277 7635 / 0207 639 6696) and put your order in by 6pm on Saturday 18th April - the food will be ready to collect at 6pm on Sunday evening 19th April. 2) 20 free biryani meals every Sunday collected by Katie Worthington from the WHYC 3) COVID-19 Free Meal Offer: ?Help your elderly neighbour? Takeaway Customers - when placing your order, If you are aware of an elderly neighbour who could benefit from a free meal, Quote COVID-19 Free Meal Offer and confirm choice of Chicken Biryani or Vegetable Biryani. 4) 10% discount for all NHS Staff. Note: All the above are valid for April then will be reviewed. Free Delivery Min ?18 spend within 2 miles ( 3.22km ) of SE15 2AS www.2sisterstandoori.com/
  21. Michael please thank the group JOY for their kind donations of the lovely puzzles you sent me in the post. They are quite beautiful and the fact that the pieces are not small but slightly bigger than ordinary puzzles makes it more of a pleasure to do. I am most grateful it will help me pass the time in a way that gives me great pleasure and is relaxing in these difficult times. Thanks. With kind regards. Sandy Peacock. Appeal for 500 piece ( preferably LARGE piece ) jigsaw puzzles, no issue to pay. Dear friend ( OK my ex! ) Portslade Brighton 70's self isolated x 2 cancer survivor - no garden, loves jigsaw puzzles. Much appreciate If anyone could spare any 500 piece jigsaw puzzles - or give me heads up on any community groups that may be able to supply. If you can please private msge with your address & a safe place I can collect them from. Promise to keep safe distance if knock on door required - will count as my daily exercise! - then will send by Royal Mail.
  22. Michael please thank the group JOY for their kind donations of the lovely puzzles you sent me in the post. They are quite beautiful and the fact that the pieces are not small but slightly bigger than ordinary puzzles makes it more of a pleasure to do. I am most grateful it will help me pass the time in a way that gives me great pleasure and is relaxing in these difficult times. Thanks. With kind regards. Sandy Peacock. Appeal for 500 piece ( preferably LARGE piece ) jigsaw puzzles, no issue to pay. Dear friend ( OK my ex! ) Portslade Brighton 70's self isolated x 2 cancer survivor - no garden, loves jigsaw puzzles. Much appreciate If anyone could spare any 500 piece jigsaw puzzles - or give me heads up on any community groups that may be able to supply. If you can please private msge with your address & a safe place I can collect them from. Promise to keep safe distance if knock on door required - will count as my daily exercise! - then will send by Royal Mail.
  23. Thanks for all the lovely messages of support will share with the family
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