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Everything posted by Thunderblue600

  1. 'It seems bonkers for you to go and pay for assessments privately one by one.' Agree with you 100%
  2. Dear Sue Mindful of your concerns I have now made a full edit to only include first name and removed the location.
  3. Steph Perhaps get a GP referral to CAMHS regarding anxiety. My son is on the spectrum, but the anxiety was by far the worst part of going to school for him. It's not easy having to be in big crowded school when suffering with anxiety and it can make a child act out in a way that they don't do at home. Anxiety comes in all shapes and forms and the SENCO should push for an urgent referral again. There's always a valid reason why I child is doing something out of character and in order for him to have some support at school, it needs to be inclusive and give help rather than always seemingly punishing by send to the head. I do hope the school sort it out for him so that he gets the education he's entitled to. I must say having been through it 3 times with schools, it is a case of being ready to fight the education authorities at every step of the way. Otherwise he will get left behind. Good luck ☘ Kellie Hi you can try this link this person is expert in giving advice and resources regarding the matter that you shared please dm her her name is Natasha https://instagram.com/j_and_i2020?igshid=wyxrmuvpiot1 Rebecca www.weteachacademy.co.uk. Check out this website for extra lessons and Saturday school lessons.
  4. Dear Sue Mindful of your concerns I have now made a full edit to only include first name and removed the location. A genuine oversight on my part.
  5. Raychel Hi Michael I have a son who is on the autistic spectrum he was diagnosed privately as well as through Southwark I would suggest your best bet is to start at Sunshine house with Dr Sharma the social communications team. I would also check the National autistic Society (NAS) website also children on the autistic spectrum can have traits of dyslexia dyspraxia or ADHD please feel free to contact me should you need any other advice I was also school governor for eight years in primary school. Raychel Demetra I'm wondering if The Dr Sharma you know is the same doctor that use to look after my son when he was a child but that would make him at least in his early 60s now Folasade Dr.Sharma is still in sunshine house Raychel yes I know; He was so helpful to me and my son with the school
  6. Margaret Micheal contact sunshine house on Peckham Road and ask if they can help i referred a child there and they were very helpful in getting him assessed properly I hope this helps Demetra My son is now an Adult I never had to pay privately to get him accessed he was assessed at the age of 3 your GP can help to get a referral to the disability team based at Maudsley Hospital on Denmark hill and also the social services disability team on Queens road They will set up help and maybe get him help with a one to one helper within the school or even home tuition while he is being assessed Oh I just realised he only got the home tuition after his diagnosis I do apologise. He got home tuition while he was waiting for a place in a special school many schools now integrate with special needs. The new built School called Cherry Gardens on Bellendon road Peckham behind Lidls maybe able to point you in the right direction on what to do
  7. Lin My son is now an adult but as a child I spent a term of awful nursery collection and then a year of a child who learnt nothing at all and was getting excluded regularly. I joined Education Otherwise and took him out of school for 2 years. He rejoined being a year in advance. Worth checking them out. Best of luck. www.educationotherwise.org
  8. Wed - Sat 9am-4pm. Thank you. Nunhead Green SE15 3QQ
  9. Nicola Dyslexia, maybe get him checked for Dyslexia as this can make children disruptive if they are uncomfortable . Yael Dr Stefan Studnik - London Children's Practice" http://www.londonchildrenspractice.co.uk/team/dr-stefan-studnik/ He is amazing! He is also a very highly respected NHS assessor so his assessment will be taken seriously by schools and GPs. He is however, really expensive. As in, a 2-3 thousands of pounds. Having said that, if your son is diagnosed with ASD it will make a big difference, and will help the school know how to help him. It's a good thing :) The London Children's Practice
  10. More feedback: Billy GP cannot diagnose autism but can refer for assessment. It can be a real fight though. Took 4 years to get my son assessed and 2 years later the council still won?t provide a school place for him. You can get private assessments though. It costs quite a bit. The National autistic society website will have a list of qualified people in your area. Paula It took me 11 years to get my daughter diagnosed we found out on her 16 th birthday that she had asd and development delay I have been fighting for to find out what was wrong with her since she was 5 years old ask doctor to refer you to sunshine house rather than hospital as they have Austin clinic at sunshine house Clare I have recently finished a training course for work (I work in a state primary school) regarding Autism and sadly they say it is common for the diagnosis to take one to two years as far as I remember. I will look at my notes again as there is a period by law in which they have to assess and provide support for your child. Even whilst you are waiting for the assessment to start the child should be receiving some kind of 1:1 support from the TA.
  11. Feedback from FB Nunhead Rocks! As a child psychologist there would be many other things I would consider before jumping into an ASD assessment. There used to be an nhs early intervention CAMHS service in Southwark - school/Gp can help access with a referral. If there are strong indicators of ASD, we ask parents to be mindful of best practice guidelines around thorough assessment (eg that it is a multidisciplinary team etc) vs a one off assessment by a psychologist in private practice.
  12. Have shared your post via various local fb community groups hoping that some useful advice might be offered, so far: Kay Worth checking out the National Autistic Society website for advice - https://www.autism.org.uk
  13. Just a thought have you considered having your son assessed by your GP? No idea if this is possible? My thoughts are if the GP declares a condition it will be in writing and the school will be more inclined to take it seriously. Big virtual hugs so sorry you are having this experience.
  14. NOTE: If you don't have supplies and still wish to help please make a donation via: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/nunheadsalvationarmy Salvation Army Nunhead Food Bank Urgent Appeal Vulnerable people in the SE15 area are approaching us for help at an increasing level. Our food bank is almost empty. We are appealing to our community for help. Urgent need for: Any Non Perishable Food. Basic Toiletries. Sanitary Products eg Tampons & Towels. Nappies & Wipes. WC Rolls, Washing Powder. Kitchen Essentials eg Black Bags, Washing Up Liquid. Sponges & Cleaning Products. Please drop off donations Wed > Sat 9am > 4pm Nunhead Green SE15 3QF You can also contact us via [email protected] Also accepting donations of clothes, Bric-?-brac etc. Thank You.
  15. Coco is missing since Christmas Eve from 7 Buchan Road SE15 3HQ. Coco eight years old is all black has one eye. He is microchipped & may display a blue collar. Please check your gardens, sheds, parks & anywhere Coco could hide or shelter. Any sightings please call Anna 07973 369676 or Debbie 07758 312010 Send photos including sighted location to [email protected] Thank You
  16. Wishing You All a Fab Twelve Days of Christmas Big Virtual Hugs From Aaron & Michael Oh What a Year Which on a Personal Level Was Positive. To anyone that has had a challenging year or lost loved ones, I hope 2021 will be better.
  17. Sharing just a sample of the lovely feedback our project The Aspinall Road Community Gardens London SE4 5SQ received in 2020, all is much appreciated. Kim Short, ?I would just like to say a big THANKYOU to all the volunteers (and engineers) who have made the community gardens for us all to enjoy. I used to always avoid Aspinall Road and now I would go out of my way to pass it. It lifts my spirits every time, even on the greyest of days!? Shelley James ?Walked past the big planters the other day and it put a big smile on my face, love what you have done!? Jane Keane: 'Well done to you all - what a.great team effort!' Natalie Wastnidge ?Just wanted to say I?m so happy to see the Rainbow Community Garden happening....We left Peckham last year after many many happy years in London but crossed that bridge many times so so beautiful to see this happening!! Great vision!! Congrats.? The Hill Station Community Cafe 'Well done everyone really taking shape must visit ❤️👍' Tamsin Louise ?That?s beautiful!! Love this so much xxx? Stephen Carrick-Davies ?Wonderful to see such a transformation.? Penny Dearman ?Brilliant, such joy to see a garden in that abandoned space and creative activity going on there. Love it.? Michael Demetriou ?Brilliant.? Jacqui Shimidzu: ?And Big Thanks To Micheal who has dedicated himself to this project. What a lovely little stop to brighten peoples day and for people to have a chat?. Asker Husain ?Saw the gentleman yesterday working very hard on pruning the tree next to the plant bases and also replanting new flowers after removing the dead old ones etc. Great job!? David Holloway ?Wonderful people wonderful project wonderful for our community.? Fran Goggins ?Brilliant. 👏👏👏👏? Patricio Forrester ?Great work! What looked like a fly tipped wardrobe was actually carried into position to become the next planter so it goes perfect that you read the situation exactly as we had intended. Also perfect that it was joyful!?
  18. Sharing just a sample of the lovely feedback our project The Aspinall Road Community Gardens London SE4 5SQ received in 2020, all is much appreciated. Kim Short, ?I would just like to say a big THANKYOU to all the volunteers (and engineers) who have made the community gardens for us all to enjoy. I used to always avoid Aspinall Road and now I would go out of my way to pass it. It lifts my spirits every time, even on the greyest of days!? Shelley James ?Walked past the big planters the other day and it put a big smile on my face, love what you have done!? Jane Keane: 'Well done to you all - what a.great team effort!' Natalie Wastnidge ?Just wanted to say I?m so happy to see the Rainbow Community Garden happening....We left Peckham last year after many many happy years in London but crossed that bridge many times so so beautiful to see this happening!! Great vision!! Congrats.? The Hill Station Community Cafe 'Well done everyone really taking shape must visit ❤️👍' Tamsin Louise ?That?s beautiful!! Love this so much xxx? Stephen Carrick-Davies ?Wonderful to see such a transformation.? Penny Dearman ?Brilliant, such joy to see a garden in that abandoned space and creative activity going on there. Love it.? Michael Demetriou ?Brilliant.? Jacqui Shimidzu: ?And Big Thanks To Micheal who has dedicated himself to this project. What a lovely little stop to brighten peoples day and for people to have a chat?. Asker Husain ?Saw the gentleman yesterday working very hard on pruning the tree next to the plant bases and also replanting new flowers after removing the dead old ones etc. Great job!? David Holloway ?Wonderful people wonderful project wonderful for our community.? Fran Goggins ?Brilliant. 👏👏👏👏? Patricio Forrester ?Great work! What looked like a fly tipped wardrobe was actually carried into position to become the next planter so it goes perfect that you read the situation exactly as we had intended. Also perfect that it was joyful!?
  19. Big Thank You To Elvis From Nunhead In 2020 young Aaron raised over ?3935 in donations for The Salvation Army to help feed the vulnerable in SE15. 20th Dec had been planned as a Christmas special fundraiser. This was not to be & a presentation was planned. Earlier today popped round to the family. ?150 was presented in appreciation, a framed photo (shared here) & an Elvis Is King T Shirt. ?I just want to make people happy? Be assured soon as restrictions are lifted we will be back! Michael Peacock Friend & Manager ?for about two weeks.? If anyone wishes to make a donation to this most worthy cause: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/nunheadsalvationarmy Do Join Fb Group Elvis From Nunhead UK London
  20. Patricio Forrester 24th Nov 2020 Brilliant day outdoors on the RAINBOW BRIDGE, when we all felt a bit more artistic. Turnham Primary students awesome photos > Helen Murray What a lovely image and sums up the joy fun and laughter that all the children experienced painting the rainbows. Patricio I applaud you for this brilliant idea and how you have involved the local schools, the positive impact will have longevity and hopefully motivate and inspire other community projects. The transformation of the Creepy Bridge to the Rainbow Bridge, the creation of The Aspinall Road Community Gardens is all thanks to you creating the first rainbow. If there had not been a pandemic, if life had just continued as before in our device obsessed insular world, none of what you have created and inspired would have become reality. On a personal level the transformation of the bridge and the guerrilla style community garden has been one of the most positive outcomes of the lock downs. This has had a positive impact on my mental health, making new friends and the opportunity to let my creative side 'let rip' combining art gardening and working with nature I could not ask for more. Finally thank you 'sir' for letting me add my own rainbow on the bridge.
  21. I have NOT been SPAMMING Aaron has raised over ?3702 so far for The Salvation Army in Nunhead who are supplying meals every week for the vulnerable - if you can be bothered to actually visit the group you would soon appreciate that Aaron is not an Elvis Costello impersonator - besides who is?
  22. If you join the group your question will be answered - the group is all about Aaron
  23. Warning fish salesman near Peckham Rye, using forceful tactics Found this post via nextdoor Jim Waterson, Peckham Rye Park Warning that fish salesman are working their way around the area near Peckham Rye, using forceful tactics to push into people?s homes despite the lockdown, and then overcharging massively for fish. The food is unlabelled and looks in bad condition. Could easily scam people.
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