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Everything posted by Thunderblue600

  1. YES PLEASE! THANK YOU and the same hours and requirements
  2. Hi Chick thanks for the feedback. LOL I will be loving DJ Fat Tony at The Prince of Wales in Brixton this evening!
  3. https://podfollow.com/1572868801/episode/051117fd65e1c54e205e98799c711370c903e1d1/view Shared as I hope this might give considerable comfort to anyone that has any addiction, is in recovery or may still have 'well being/self belief' issues. Feedback/comments most welcome. Fashion Weekly Podcast With Miranda Holder / 16. DJ Fat Tony I have just finished listening to this fab podcast, no multi tasking for the duration well apart from vaping. I am so inspired by what Tony shared, it should be compulsive listening for anyone that has any addiction or like myself is in recovery, even after three suicide attempts in 2019 (Jan 23 Jan 30 and May 7), there will NOT be a forth. What Tony shared about how he deals with the unavoidable dark thoughts we all have, is so helpful. I will never take my recovery for granted, and thank God whoever that might be that I finally have gained coping tools with a fantastic support network including zoom weekly 121 therapy. Right now I am dealing and coping well with a very significant setback. I have given up something which for 15 months was of huge benefit to my well being and unintended benefit to my local community, to continue was not an option,the second image shared here is quite relevant. If this situation had occurred during my dark period it could have tipped me over. Listening to this interview will also help me to deal with the inevitable fallout, I know positives will come out of this. Also to anyone that might dismiss any twelve step program well think again when you listen to this podcast. 28 years an addict, blew over ?1 million on a total non life, to have pulled all your teeth out with pliers, to end up with nothing and now coming up five teen years clean to finally be living again and playing at the most exclusive clubs, yet taking nothing for granted pinching yourself that you are yet again giving people the best possible party experience, your ability to reach out selflessly to help others with addiction, I applaud you from the rooftops. Also to anyone thinking of becoming a DJ listen to this masterclass on what can make you 'top tier.' Just loved your thoughts about fashion and feel even more reassured that my personal 'you are what you wear' my gender fluid fix mixing never following any trend or 'label' is so on the right track.
  4. Seeking someone to run a weekly Sunday night Karaoke at an LGBTQI friendly pub in SE14 Lewisham An LGBTQI friendly Pub in SE14 Lewisham is considering starting Karaoke weekly on Sunday evenings. If you are interested please PM with your contact details and something about your track record.
  5. Aspinall Road Community Gardens London SE14 5SQ EXTENDING A BIG THANK YOU The Telegraph at The Earl of Derby, 87 Dennett?s Rd SE14 5LW for donating a life expired piano. Lottie for donating a working piano to the pub. Jacqui from The Hill Station Community Cafe, Kitto Rd SE14 5TW for supplying transport. Everyone that helped with shifting the pianos, a terrific community effort. Valerie from Buchan Rd, Nunhead for the plants. Please do support our terrific community cafe www.hillstationcafe.co.uk/ And what should not be the best kept secret in SE London! www.facebook.com/telegraphearl
  6. Aspinall Road Community Gardens London SE14 5SQ EXTENDING A BIG THANK YOU The Telegraph at The Earl of Derby, 87 Dennett?s Rd SE14 5LW for donating a life expired piano. Lottie for donating a working piano to the pub. Jacqui from The Hill Station Community Cafe, Kitto Rd SE14 5TW for supplying transport. Everyone that helped with shifting the pianos, a terrific community effort. Valerie from Buchan Rd, Nunhead for the plants. Please do support our terrific community cafe www.hillstationcafe.co.uk/ And what should not be the best kept secret in SE London! www.facebook.com/telegraphearl
  7. Aspinall Road Community Gardens SE14 5SQ Shout Out For Volunteers Transport arranged Approx 75-100 bags of topsoil. To pick up and mulch to help spread around our community gardens. If you can help please meet 1pm TODAY 5 Buchan Road Nunhead SE15 3HQ Thank You.
  8. Hello, Thank you for expressing an interest in operating from the former Peckham Rye Park Bowling green and pavilion site. We had an excellent response to the public consultation held last year with over 300 completed surveys; demonstrating the high level of interest in this area and passion for the wider Peckham Rye Park and common. We have collated and analysed the responses, and the report is attached for your information. The recommendations from the report were to advertise for a lease holder to run a facility from the area initially for a short term of up to two years. A shorter term will allow the council to monitor the use of the facility and survey park visitor opinions over that period before agreeing any extension to the lease. The opportunity is open to bids from both the commercial and community/charitable sectors and from a wide range of possible uses which only need to adhere to the constraints identified in the advert. The lease opportunity is now being advertised at; www.southwark.gov.uk/properties-to-let/property/36019 We are seeking expressions of interest. We expect to close to new applications in early May. If you have any questions, please ask and thanks again for your interest in this project. Kind regards, Matthew Hill Project Manager Parks & Leisure, Environment & Leisure Southwark Council, Tooley St Floor 3, Hub 2 PO Box 64529 London SE1P 5LX 020 7525 1604 07801 663059
  9. Extending a belated thank you to all the lovely people here that responded to my appeal to send 21st Birthday Cards for Harry in Pewsey Wiltshire England . The response was off the scale with over 200 received. A thank you message and videos from his fabulous mum Polly now follows. My connection is that my dear cousin Joy and fab Aunty Betty live in Pewsey. Click on these 'facebook' links for the joyful videos. https://www.facebook.com/692945762/videos/pcb.10158260826127686/10159505911785763 https://www.facebook.com/polly.greenaway/videos/10159506891645763/ Harry?s older brother works in a nursery And one of the children wrote a song out for Harry Harry made his big brother sing 🎶 How magical ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/tborg1/videos/10164916333950321 Polly Louise Greenaway, Pewsey Wiltshire UK. 6th March 2021 Wow what a amazing day Harry?s had the love and support that everyone has shown has been totally overwhelming. Harry has loved every second we had lots of doorstop visit which he throughly enjoyed. I?m just totally blown away never in my wildest dreams did I think his 21st would be so magical. Thankyou to everyone who has sent cards, gifts, money, vouchers, cake, sweets, balloons Harry must have over 200 cards I will do a proper count soon he received cards from Texas, Ireland Australia, London and all over the world. Harry is one very lucky young man. This is something I will never forget. Such amazing kind people out there. Harry is absolutely knackered, in his new pjs asking to go to bed. I?m looking forward to glass of Prosecco xx
  10. Have just created a new post here title will be: Thank you to everyone here that sent 21st Birthday Cards to Harry in Pewsey Wiltshire
  11. Thank you for the donations ?220 so far, please keep them coming your contribution will make a real difference and will enable us to make your garden even more beautiful and diverse. Also feedback on plant suggestions appreciated!
  12. Dear Lovely Community Would be much appreciated if you can make a donation to this local crowdfunder, The Aspinall Road Community Gardens SE4 5SQ is one of the few projects in the UK which is open 24/7. With your help this will enable our enthusiastic band of volunteers to make your gardens even more beautiful and diverse. Thank you for the donations ?220 so far, please keep them coming your contribution will make a real difference and will enable us to make your garden even more beautiful and diverse. Also feedback on plant suggestions appreciated! Patricio Forrester SPRING IS COMING and we are keen to start planting our gardens so we are starting our micro crowdfunding. This is your chance to show your support and join us. IF you have any friends who you know are happy with the transformation of these two fly-tipping areas into gardens, pls share the link with them. Lastly, keep your eyes pealed for new volunteering opportunities once the restrictions are lifted. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/AspinalrdGardens?fbclid=IwAR3-TEbSyhwdf6OlGrOsgq31TcXCahYIWG7f_QJIE7CyX4y_RXMUATOTDCM
  13. My thanks to anyone that has responded I have shared with you the address.
  14. My thanks to anyone that has responded I have shared with you the address.
  15. Although I live in Nunhead London my connection with Pewsey in Wiltshire UK is that my lovely Cousin Joy and Aunty Betty live here. Was most touched by this appeal I found via FB Pewsey Notice Board which is a very active community group with an impressive membership of 12,569. I'm sure if you send a 21st Birthday card to Polly's dear son Harry who has learning difficulties (loves dogs & football) he would be delighted regardless of where you live. If you want to send a card you can PM myself and I will share the address. Lovely touch would be to mention in the card where you live. Here is the post: Polly Louise Greenaway Harry is turning 21 on the 6th March and sadly I can?t give him a party which I had planned and I?m asking if anyone would like to send Harry a card, Harry loves receiving cards and I just want to make it as special as I can for him Harry is a big part of Pewsey and is known and loved by a lot of people and as his mum I just want to make his birthday as special and memorable as possible.
  16. Although I live in Nunhead London my connection with Pewsey in Wiltshire UK is that my lovely Cousin Joy and Aunty Betty live here. Was most touched by this appeal I found via FB Pewsey Notice Board which is a very active community group with an impressive membership of 12,569. I'm sure if you send a 21st Birthday card to Polly's dear son Harry who has learning difficulties (loves dogs & football) he would be delighted regardless of where you live. If you want to send a card you can PM myself and I will share the address. Lovely touch would be to mention in the card where you live. Here is the post: Polly Louise Greenaway Harry is turning 21 on the 6th March and sadly I can?t give him a party which I had planned and I?m asking if anyone would like to send Harry a card, Harry loves receiving cards and I just want to make it as special as I can for him Harry is a big part of Pewsey and is known and loved by a lot of people and as his mum I just want to make his birthday as special and memorable as possible.
  17. Wonderful thanks for sharing hope this also may inspire more exploration
  18. Found via Nextdoor I applaud Jane please do sign and share. Jane Sarah Please help.??PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO HELP SAVE OUR KITTENS??(reposted) ?Ghosts law? is in honour of my little kitten who died at the age of 7 months. I took Ghost for her vaccinations in November When I took Ghost to the vet, the vet came out 5 minutes later and said I?m sorry but your kitten has only got 2 days to live, she has a heart murmur. Quickly, I took her to the Royal Veterinary College. They confirmed my little Ghost had advanced right-sided heart failure. Sadly, Ghost died one month later. I want to help leave Ghost a legacy. ?Ghosts law? states that ALL kittens are checked by a vet before sold. Many breeders with a license take their kittens to be checked before they are sold. However, many people slip through this. They do so by saying they have less than three litters a year and they do not make a profit. I understand there is ?Lucy?s Law? however, what I am asking for is different. Under this law, kittens will be checked alongside their mother (of course for strays where the mum is not around, this does not apply) to ensure both the kitten and mum are well. If the mum shows signs of illness, I want it to be the law that she must be spayed and not be stressed by having another litter, as this is specifically targeting backyard breeders who are making their cats have litter after litter. Having all kittens checked before they?re sold will allow potential owners time to start treatment for their kittens. This will help things like a heart murmur or cat flu being noticed. All I am asking for is all kittens have an ?MOT? check before they are sold. Some people have said this will lead to sick kittens being abandoned. No, it won?t, many people like me would actively buy a sick kitten to love and look after. This ensures the potential owner knows about the health of the kitten, licensed breeders are required to do this anyway so I don?t know why it should be different for backyard breeders. There will always be people who breed for money and there will always be people with a story similar to mine, with this petition if we make it a bit harder for backyard breeders it might help to protect animals more. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/561785 Link to the petition I don?t know where this journey with the petition will take me, I might fail but I have to at least try to protect other kittens. Please sign and share. Please copy and paste if you wish to share.
  19. Found via Nextdoor I applaud Jane please do sign and share. Jane Sarah Please help.??PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO HELP SAVE OUR KITTENS??(reposted) ?Ghosts law? is in honour of my little kitten who died at the age of 7 months. I took Ghost for her vaccinations in November When I took Ghost to the vet, the vet came out 5 minutes later and said I?m sorry but your kitten has only got 2 days to live, she has a heart murmur. Quickly, I took her to the Royal Veterinary College. They confirmed my little Ghost had advanced right-sided heart failure. Sadly, Ghost died one month later. I want to help leave Ghost a legacy. ?Ghosts law? states that ALL kittens are checked by a vet before sold. Many breeders with a license take their kittens to be checked before they are sold. However, many people slip through this. They do so by saying they have less than three litters a year and they do not make a profit. I understand there is ?Lucy?s Law? however, what I am asking for is different. Under this law, kittens will be checked alongside their mother (of course for strays where the mum is not around, this does not apply) to ensure both the kitten and mum are well. If the mum shows signs of illness, I want it to be the law that she must be spayed and not be stressed by having another litter, as this is specifically targeting backyard breeders who are making their cats have litter after litter. Having all kittens checked before they?re sold will allow potential owners time to start treatment for their kittens. This will help things like a heart murmur or cat flu being noticed. All I am asking for is all kittens have an ?MOT? check before they are sold. Some people have said this will lead to sick kittens being abandoned. No, it won?t, many people like me would actively buy a sick kitten to love and look after. This ensures the potential owner knows about the health of the kitten, licensed breeders are required to do this anyway so I don?t know why it should be different for backyard breeders. There will always be people who breed for money and there will always be people with a story similar to mine, with this petition if we make it a bit harder for backyard breeders it might help to protect animals more. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/561785 Link to the petition I don?t know where this journey with the petition will take me, I might fail but I have to at least try to protect other kittens. Please sign and share. Please copy and paste if you wish to share.
  20. Yes and I am quite surprised. Well from the feedback:( added to my 'Lost Cat Rescue Guide' ) If you have not already done so have your cat microchipped and fitted with a GPS tracker, (here is an example: www.pettracer.co.uk) these measures will to increase the likelihood of being reunited in case your cat is ever separated from you.
  21. Thanks Mel for this post
  22. The priority is for this cat to be re-united with it's owner.
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