Barry, not that I wish to sound like this is my pet peeve or anything but there was an incident yesterday at the now notorious P. Rye barriers that left me infuriated. Just for the record, I don't want to moan aimlessly about the station or local rail services - they're usually pretty good and this idea to get direct feedback from passengers will probably get you a knighthood. It certainly deserves to. Anyway... Like the honest citizen I am, I bought my ticket from the machine (4:40pm yesterday, long queues, one window, you know the drill) and walked over to the barrier. Some bloke asked me if he could follow me through the barrier as he didn't have a ticket. I said I didn't think so, perhaps he should ask the guy manning the barriers. He didn't and just tailgated through after me. He then bolted up the steps never to be seen again. I looked round at the guy manning the barriers and all he did was just stand there shaking his head having seen the whole thing. What are the staff on the barriers actually supposed to do? Admittedly, I wouldn't be prepared to get a smack in the chops/spat at/abused by unruly non-paying customers (though there was no evidence to suggest this would have happened) if I was doing that job so I can see why the guy would want to keep a low profile but are they really just supposed to ignore fare dodging when they see it? It rather sends the message that it is acceptable for all of us to just vault over the barriers when we can't be bothered to pay or queue for a ticket.