Ahh I see. Thanks James. Didn't read your post carefully enough plus the black bin bags over the signs are still up so wondered what was going on then read your post wrong. Best wishes.
Hi that's good to know. May I ask then what is the situation to those of us that have already paid up for starting March 30th. If it is suspended will we be refunded for the month or so that we have already paid for?
I know nothing of the law regarding this, but you say "it is an offence to uproot plants for commercial purposes without seeking authorisation". Does that mean it is ok to uproot for non-commercial purposes?
Perhaps the people here complaining about anyone wanting to discuss the noise (again) should draw up a list of things we are allowed to talk or not talk about with others living locally. Would that make things easier? Or perhaps if you don't want to discuss aircraft noise you should just not click on the link and let the rest of us get on with it. I've often wanted to discuss the aircraft noise on here but know it is pointless with others trying to derail the conversation just because the noise isn't a problem to them (well good for you) or they clearly have more important things to talk about.