Our son is also in the pre-school room at Townsend Montessori and we are very happy with the preparation it has given him for school. However, I'm not sure it's a fair comparison with somewhere like Ducks. Ducks is part of a private school and so I would imagine more likely to prepare children for private school entrance assessments, whereas Townsend is a daycare facility with a very good pre-school room, but with most children going on to local state primaries. That is not to do Townsend down in any way, but it just depends what you're looking for. Without any sort of 'official' preparation, our son sat the assessments for St Dunstan's, Dulwich Prep and Alleyn's. He was offered a place for St Dunstan's, put on a short waiting list for Dulwich Prep and got nowhere with Alleyn's. We weren't overly distressed at this as we had liked the feel of St Dunstan's the best and had been pretty underwhelmed by the reception classroom at Alleyn's, which felt like a broom cupboard - for ?14k a year! As another poster here has already said, reception places at Alleyn's are more than 10:1 over-subscribed so chances are extremely slim. Even if your child does get in at Alleyn's, the school does not then automatically offer younger siblings a place when they are due to start school, so you may find yourself having to do the school run to two different places in due course if you do have other children. However, if your heart is set on Alleyn's, the ratio of applicants to places at 7+ is better than at 4+ for reception. So you may be better off going with Ducks, as if you are unsuccessful at 4+, Ducks will continue preparing them for 7+. An acquaintance of mine has both her children at Ducks and is very happy with it; loves the nurturing environment. However, she is looking at transfer to Sydenham High at 7, not somewhere as competitive as Alleyn's. If money's no object, then fair enough, just decide which private school you like best, but if you're in the same boat as us, where private primary would mean no holidays for the foreseeable future, then don't rule out the local state primaries either as there are some good ones. Much as we loved St Dunstan's, we decided it wasn't ?13k a year better than our first choice local school and we could make up the extra sport, music etc outside of school. Good luck with your decision - it's incredibly tough!