You are correct; in the council's eyes, they are doing this. That is not a reason to lie down and accept this position. The council is wrong and behaving undemocratically. We must tell them.
Hi everyone, we formed a group in Nunhead and Queens Road to oppose the council's introduction of a CPZ. We now want to expand our remit to push back on the whole ridiculous policy across the whole borough. If we can get the whole borough to demand that the council revert to its 2018 position, where CPZs were put in on when local residents requested it in response to parochial parking challenges, then we may have a chance to win.
They can ignore the protestations from each group. Can they really ignore the whole borough? Please come and join us on, and anyone who is able to bring their time, effort and skills to the team, do get in touch.
Also, spread the word. Tell everyone.