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  1. There's definitely something going around. A couple of my colleagues have recently had bloated stomach symptoms. I haven't had the bloated stomach but I've definitely had something. How can I put this politely, erm.., I've had a lot of excess 'gas' over the last week to ten days for no apparent reason. It's gone thankfully, even my parents dog was giving me funny looks the other day http://www.nlp125.com/forum/images/smilies/15.gif
  2. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "Yeah I had noticed that ED seems to have > something of a 'nappy valley' thing going on. Kids > everywhere, mostly with really stupid pretentious > names. Never mind though, gotta take the rough > with the smooth and all that..." > > > don't look a kid fan to me.....still if you're > scared of the cooler areas you sound quite suited > to our suburban oasis No I'm not particularly keen on them but just because there are more kids about is hardly a reason to avoid living in an area. I've paid my dues when it comes to living in dodgy areas. In my experience 'dodgy' definitely doesn't equate to 'cool', in fact it's the more middle class areas like ED that are considered cool by most people. I've done 2 years in South Tottenham, 4 years in Wood Green, 1 year in Vauxhall and 18 months in Walworth, that's some pretty rough areas and I wouldn't consider any of them to be 'cool'. I'm not 'scared' as such I've just had enough of the ghetto to last me a lifetime and want somewhere a bit more relaxed.
  3. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > D&C - if you don't like the 'nappy valley thing' > wtf are you moving to an city suburb with loads of > family housing stock? i'd suggest that you go > somewhere a bit 'cooler' and inner city for an > unpretentious dude like yourself Because, ultimately, I'd rather be run over by a pushchair than mugged for my wallet at knifepoint. I'm new to this forum but I've gotta say some people seem very quick to take offense and over react. FFS, all I said was there was a bit of 'nappy valley' thing going on! It's not like I hate kids or anything like that....ohhhh, f*ck it, whatever....
  4. Pippo Inzaghi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just out of interest, are you the same > DazedandConfused who posts on the Big Chill forum? Nah, not me I'm afriad.
  5. I've been with Bethere for the last two years at three different addresses. They've been absolutely top notch, really fast unlimited download speeds, even the customer service is good. They have recently been taken over by O2 who use the same network infrastructure so here's hoping the service doesn't degrade with all the new O2 users sharing the same network. I've heard lots of bad things about Tiscali, wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
  6. I think the stamp duty thing is a red herring. It's affordability that's the real problem. I'm a potential first time buyer but there's no way I'm buying for at least another two years. I think we're in for a housing crash of epic proportions, meanwhile I'm going sit tight, keep on renting and build a bigger deposit. I always thought it would end in tears which is why I didn?t buy when everyone was telling me that prices could only ever go up. You only had to look at the amount borrowing (public and private) and the massive growth in money supply to see the whole thing was unsustainable. But if you mentioned a housing crash a couple of years ago people would laugh in your face and say "It's different this time".
  7. Big Jim Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But I've got to say, I find all the people being > offended on behalf of other people, rather > amusing. > (tu) I lived right next to a gypsy site once. The were ok really, kept themselves to themselves mostly. But they were always trying to sell things to me. Usually rugs, mobile phones or laptops of dubious origin ( no spare tyres I hasten to add). As I was walking past their camp one day, one of their dogs bit me on the arse! Not that that's in any way relevant but I just thought I'd share it with you. It really hurt too! :X Am I the only one who falls about in fits of juvenile laughter when they hear the word 'spaz'? Haven't heard anyone called someone a spaz for years - it must be my childish sense of humour.
  8. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > touch? D&C > > up to a point anyway. Introducing a charge > shouldn't mean immediate protest. If everyone in > the world traveled everywhere on foot (currently > free) I could easily see a pricing mechanism > introduced to encourage people to transfer to > other modes of transport (or not traveling at > all) > > But are you seriously suggesting that all > cars/bikes/bicycles should have free for all > parking? Because beyond that, things start to get > more complicated than you are painting (ouch) them It's an interesting point. Which of the council services should or shouldn't we pay for? Clearly something like a planning application would merit a charge because a service is provided to an individual (or company) who is the sole beneficiary and that service is provided at the individuals request. By the same logic I think it's fair for a council to charge for parking, for cars or motorcyles, but any revenue received should be ring-fenced and should not exceed the cost to the council of providing the service. i.e. it shouldn't be just another revenue stream for the council.
  9. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > Absolutely - free wardens to check if people have > parked illegally. free monitoring of traffic > levels to see if more bays are needed. F*** it - > just paint white lines - it's the future!!! Come on! Yeah because I really do see council officials watching parking bays regularly 'monitoring traffic'. As for traffic wardens they don't give a sh*t about motorcycle bays, or at least they didn't used to. Why? Because they're free, or at least they were. So lets introduce charging for say, using pelican crossings, because they need to be maintained and of course there needs to be a council official to monitor them, and a warden to make sure people have paid. What about zebra crossings or wastebins. F** it lets just start charging for everything - it's the future!!!
  10. Even if your regular parking bay is on the border of Westminster all the parking bays just outside Westminster will most likely be full before well before 8am. It's not a service anyway. It doesn't actually cost the council anything once they've painted the lines on the road. By that logic you could say that zebra crossings or wastebins are a service. Even if you define them as 'services' why charge for one thing and not another.
  11. I heard about this a few months ago and recently had a leaflet from Westminster council left on my scooter. It's an absolute disgrace. Motorcycle parking has always been free in London. What with rising utility bills, fuel costs, council tax, stealth taxes, train/tube/bus fares and god knows what else my scooter was the one thing I could point to and say 'thats still good value for money'. Obviously Westminster council realised this and saw an opportunity to fleece some more money from hard working commuters. How long before Camden, Islington and all the other boroughs follow suit? So much for the Government trying to encourage environmentally friendly transport! What annoys me even more is that they're justifying the charge by saying they've created more motorcycle parking spaces and added secure posts to tether your bike to. But I haven't seen ANY new spaces in Westminster, in fact, it's more packed than ever and nobody seems to use the security posts so it's not even as if they were needed. What's more, these new spaces (if they really exist) will be paid for with two years of parking revenue, even at their own inflated estimate of cost. After that they start making a profit and you can bet your bottom dollar they'll start ramping up the prices in a year or two. How much can it really cost to paint a few white lines on the road? If they really wanted to increase motorcycle parking facilities all they would need to do is convert a few car parking bays for motorcycle use. But, of course, then they'd be losing car parking revenue. So no chance of that happening! We should do what the French do and just point blank refuse to pay!
  12. seanmlow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Gardens are lovely - I have been waiting for a > place to come up for ren there for ages! Looks like there are some available at the moment. These have all come on within the last week - Studios http://www.findaproperty.com/displayprop.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=2076689&agentid=00713 http://www.findaproperty.com/displayprop.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=2092419&agentid=18848 1 beds http://www.findaproperty.com/displayprop.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=2092426&agentid=18848 http://www.findaproperty.com/displayprop.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=2094274&agentid=01880 http://www.findaproperty.com/displayprop.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=2099860&agentid=00713 I don't know if you've used findaproperty before but I've found it to be really useful. You can set email alerts that email you when new stuff comes on the market.
  13. TJ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Herne is your local - just go after 5pm when > the kids all go to bed.... Yeah I had noticed that ED seems to have something of a 'nappy valley' thing going on. Kids everywhere, mostly with really stupid pretentious names. Never mind though, gotta take the rough with the smooth and all that...
  14. I heard about this a few months ago and recently had a leaflet from Westminster council left on my scooter. It's an absolute disgrace. Motorcycle parking has always been free in London. What with rising utility bills, fuel costs, council tax, stealth taxes, train/tube/bus fares and god knows what else my scooter was the one thing I could point to and say 'thats still good value for money'. Obviously Westminster council realised this and saw an opportunity to fleece some more money from hard working commuters. How long before Camden, Islington and all the other boroughs follow suit? So much for the Government trying to encourage environmentally friendly transport! What annoys me even more is that they're justifying the charge by saying they've created more motorcycle parking spaces and added secure posts to tether your bike to. But I haven't seen ANY new spaces in Westminster, in fact, it's more packed than ever and nobody seems to use the security posts so it's not even as if they were needed. What's more, these new spaces (if they really exist) will be paid for with two years of parking revenue, even at their own inflated estimate of cost. After that they start making a profit and you can bet your bottom dollar they'll start ramping up the prices in a year or two. How much can it really cost to paint a few white lines on the road? If they really wanted to increase motorcycle parking facilities all they would need to do is convert a few car parking bays for motorcycle use. But, of course, then they'd be losing car parking revenue. So no chance of that happening! We should do what the French do and just point blank refuse to pay!
  15. telegramsam Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Dazed > > As someone moving back soon, may I ask what you > didn't like about Upper Sydenham or why is wasn't > for you? Be interested to know! > > Telegramsam I've had loads of problems with the property. Also the house is split into six flats and my bedroom is right next to the front door of the building so there's always people coming in and out - not good when you want a lie in on a Saturday morning! As for the area itself. It just feels a little too quiet and out of the way for my liking. Getting anywhere, even down to the local shop seems like a complete mission. It's very family orientated, not much going on in the way of nightlife or anything really. It's all a bit 'Terry and June', my street in particular has a very suburban feel to it. Having said that it's not as if the crime rate is any better. A neighbour got mugged and hit over the head with a hammer a few days after I moved in and my scooter has been done over a couple of times. Sydenham Hill estate is just around the corner and while I wouldn't want to stereotype it does have it's fair share of nerdowells. But I suppose every area has it's less salubrious parts. Sydenham high street is full of chavs and it's got a real down market feel to it although it is changing albeit very slowly. The commute to work is a drag, even on the scooter that extra 10 mins really starts to tell after a while. Commuting by train is a nightmare from Sydenham because the trains only go to London Bridge so you've usually got at least two tube changes before you get to your destination. And on the way home you've got a mahoosive hill to walk up (I'm nothing if not lazy :)) ) Sydenham Hill station is much better as trains go to Victoria from there, unfortunately for me the location of my flat makes it unpractical to get to Sydenham Hill station. The East London line is coming soon which is great if you work in the city but it's of little use if you work in central London as I do and even then it's just a glorified overground line. ED is just down the road if you want nightlife, cafe's and bars etc. But I came to the conclusion that if you want all that ED has to offer then better to live in ED than be constantly looking over the horizon at where you'd really like to live. Depends what you want I suppose. For families I think Upper Sydenham has a lot to offer and in time it will become more desirable (if that's the right word) and of course you will get more bang for your buck in Upper Sydenham in terms of living space.
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