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Everything posted by MadWorld74

  1. sort it out
  2. ...lets see, I work with 4 other people, I'm the only veggie. What did we all have for lunch? person 1: a packet of crisps (because they couldn't be arsed to go out) person 2: a ham and salad sandwich person 3: a very boring bowl of soup from a tin person 4: piece of cheese and some bagels ME...home made, wild rice, baby plum tomatoes, black olives, rocket, feta cheese and smoked tofu salad with a lime, black pepper and olive oil dressing. All made in about 5 minutes. Saves dying a death every day choosing what to eat in yet another sandwich shop. That's what veggies eat. Hungry?
  3. does anyone know....I need one of their mind blowing cocktails again, and soon....
  4. use lots of fresh vegetables, herbs and spices, pulses, beans, tofu, quorn and become a better cook. There is nothing that a meat eater eats that can't be recreated for a veggie with the above ingredients. Pasta and rice are something I eat now and again. I have been a veggie for 21 years and have not had any boring meals. You need to make friends with your kitchen and go discover.
  5. MadWorld74


    what the fucks going on?????????
  6. what date is it on...cant be arsed to read the flyer pal
  7. best thing I ever bought...my tattoos.
  8. cars...radio alarm clocks...breadmakers.....ummm, the best thing I have bought 'recently; is the very very tasty mulled wine that is now being servied in the warm and cosy Franklins bar.....
  9. the prices in ED are falling, and quite quickly. Wait and get something somewhere you really want.
  10. he didnt get into the Met. Has a grudge. The bus driver. Hates those who have been through more than him. Loss of home/job/family...WW1/2 as we've mentioned.
  11. this way Jah...is where we saw you once....near Si Mangia....
  12. stop the 'he needs a stern talking to' rubbish. My father is 86 years of age and recently I had to deal with; on his behalf, a similar incident with a bus driver (dad was up from Sussex visiting) who was so rude to him, I was rocked to my boots. Well, I let rip at this ******** and they could have called the old Bill and I wouldn't have given a monkeys chuff if I'd been arrested. The bus driver was brought to his knees verbally by me, and I'd do it again in a flash. My father, just like those two ladies probably fought (as he did)/help fight/ survived WW2. It enrages me to the point of no return.
  13. oh God what have I started here.I came across a darling Westie who was lost, and at his return to the 'pack' had to stay and watch what was happening. I've never seen anything like it. so, 16 dogs, as I thought is way over the mark. As for what dog walking company it is...well all the dogs and their 'walkers/smokers/texters/water-throwers' had bright orange leads. Quite unusual. Anymore light shed? (I know some would say what's the big deal, but as a true unfaltering animal lover, I belive i should be brought to light)
  14. do you reckon you could get me her email address? They don't appear to have a website.
  15. ah yes that makes sense....well sorry you lost your old drinking hole. Will we see you up this way more often then?
  16. Never liked the place. Will the greengrocers next door be expanding into a coffee shop, prehaps?
  17. well judging from what i saw this arvo, no one. the woman was on her phone and then busy throwing water over the dogs heads when they barked, and the man...well he was in the bushes talking to one of the dogs about being 'leader of the pack'. It was very weird.
  18. that's what i thought! do you reckon that their owners know there beloved doggie is out playing around with so manu other hounds?! it's just a metter of time before one goes astray or gets injured.
  19. a day or two... i wasn't expecting a reply so a day or two would be great! I've got the new patient forms from the Forest Hill Group Practice, but wanted to wait to see what kind of response I got from the DMC, first.
  20. I remember Phillip, yes he was a git. It was almost funny. I was in and out of his room within 60 seconds. Couldn't be bothered. I went straight to the reception desk and made another appointment with a different doctor! I still have not had a reply from the practice manager. I wonder if I will, or how long I will have to wait.
  21. Catcher-in-the-rye Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I miss the old days when Dr Gupta Senior had his > little surgery in the house down the road, you > just turned up and waited your turn. i agree even in the old days you got seen. the fact that the doctors in the old days form what I can remember used to drink whisky and smoke cigars in their rooms! My doc when i was a kid was permenantly intoxicated. He mis-diagnosed a severe grumbling appendix as a twisted stomach muscle. He was also about 110 years old.
  22. my attitude Jimbob, is nothing to do with it. When I walk into a surgery I do not expect to be shouted at before I've even gotten to the desk. I work with hospitality/front of house every day, all day and I know about attitude. I came on here to vent some anger about the receptionist, because to her face I was nothing but poliete.
  23. ...so I have just been for a stroll in the above, I'm off at the mo, so have more time on my hands. Very relaxing my stroll in the winter sun, until I came across a gorgeous little chap, a Westie, who seemed to be lost. Short of put him in my pocket and take him home, I together with an elderly lady and her son and her poodle....sought to get little Westie back to his owner. Well his owner was one of the many 'professional' dog walkers that work in the area. When Westie was reunited with her and the many other doggie chums that were with her, she hadn't even noticed he'd gone missing. She was too busy on her mobile phone to even acknowledge that the dog had been returned. Two adult dog walkers, with 16 DOGS BETWEEN THEM!!! Excuse me but that is way too many to keep an eye on. They were all off their leads and charging about. Neither dog walker knew where to look to keep tabs on them. When another dog and owner nothing to do with the walking group, came bounding round the corner (the dog not the owner), utter chaos followed as all 16 hounds went charging up the other end of the field having a right royal time of playing with this new dog. I stood and watched as gradually the dogs were eventually called back. How can they walk 16 dogs at a time and not loose any??? When they were put back on their leads, some of the smaller ones started barking, and the female dog walker got out her water bottle and threw a load of water over their heads? What the hell is that? I've thought about using dog walkers in the past, but worried about how many others they's be lumped together with. Now I've seen 16 of them running riot and then being doused with cold water when they barked, I'm not so sure.
  24. I don't get how serving cold meats, gives a person a power trip? It def does give those folk in the EDD a real sense of superiority...odd.
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