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Everything posted by MadWorld74

  1. I can think of one person in particular on this thread who has 'squealed' to Admin, and they have really gotten my goat. Or am I just presuming?
  2. Small dogs always more vicious because they have usually sufferred more of the pain...
  3. YOU ALL NEED TO GET A FC*KING LIFE FOR GODS SAKE.....if you tossers could read your posts about dogs, you'd see what I mean. The dogs that I love, the Westies, Parsons, Cairns and the like are wasted on you blithing driveling fools. Who fcuking well cares if an Alsatian knawed you as a young boy, be grateful and get over it. Dogs act as a result of how their owners treat them. Rocket science it aint.
  4. saw the road tapped off yesterday. i was in Brighton at the weekend and came back to this. bloody hell.
  5. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > MadWorld74 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > I'm off to burn in > > hell. > > Have you chosen to be cremated when you finally > fall off this mortal coil? There seems little > difference to me. > > There are no Gods only religion. I hear you Jah. No Gods. I'll probably spontaneously combust before falling off the earth. To be honest. I'm not on God's favorite persons list and I'm not for saving or turning either.
  6. sorry can you repeat that..
  7. Don't get preppy on me David. I'm off to burn in hell. Nighty night.
  8. I'm Agnostic and have already been told by a Jehovahs Witness that I'm going to burn in hell, so the Alpha course means bugger all to me. In fact I did watch a documentary on the Alpha Course and it was a big get-to-gether for the well off to well, make each other more, well off. They all got rat arsed afterwards. No Joke. Religion whether you want to know my opinion or not you're going to get it, is the reason behind all war and suffering. Closely followed by oil and politics. Good night.
  9. apart from your lovely self of course, corner of Lordship Lane and Barry, 8pm by the lampost.....that's not an offer by the way just a statement!
  10. SMG I thought you had already bought your tickets? PM me if you want to sell them to me!
  11. anyone going this year....here are some of my memories from 09... enjoy
  12. no ex's at weddings or 'friendly meals'. No way jose.
  13. do what i did. it may seem a bit silly, but since i took action, no one has nicked our box since. I spray painted the number and street name on all sides with a message to the whole street that the box belonged to us and please kindly, stop bloody pinching it. got a few odd looks at first, but it always ends up back in our front garden. (tu)
  14. stereophonics, sex pistols, oasis, happy mondays....
  15. Mockney why do you always talk such guff? I am at work until 8pm. Spare a thought.
  16. we will be at home in Crebor Street if anyone wants to pop in and have a glass of cheer....decided against going out. Went to the Lake District for crimbo and t'was an expensive trip.
  17. I'm in the Lake district with SMG going apeshit with my inner peace....
  18. It is part of a chain.
  19. There was a fire crew outside my gaff on the same night. Nothing to do with me, but maybe the feckless kids over the way had been up to no good.
  20. yeah why do things by halves ay? Oh I was also on anti biotics for yet another sodding chest infection. I really know how to be sick. Oh yah.
  21. The Watchtower will get to you, don't worry about that.
  22. always someone making light of a non light situation Lizzie. Just ignore them.
  23. Don't answer the door. Or answer the door, tell them that you're Pagan and would they like to join you in a ritual you are just preparing for?...
  24. I had the flu and the vommity bug last week. You just have to ride it out I'm affraid.
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