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Everything posted by clockworkorange

  1. Test out fusion ed, pretty good for the price and all new kit. No big commercial gyms around here. Possibly try one AT&T brockwell lido?
  2. Great views from greenwich observatory. Peckham rye common has some great spots too, go hunt them out.
  3. James Nesbit and family
  4. A lot of the points of discussion on this forum are academic...
  5. Two snowmen standing in a field, one turns to the other, sniffs the air and says.... Can you smell carrots?
  6. That tiny xylophone is on my christmas list.
  7. These guys are on oxford st every Christmas, they are brilliant. If these guys don't cheer up the folk on this forum, nothing will. Merry christmas http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9a0Ah4xT3cE
  8. Good on these guys. Not going to mug myself and pay those prices but they've started their own business and enough people have bought into the idea to make it a success. More than most the bores on this forum have achieved. Good tats too! Louisa and all those that jump on the same narrow minded grey bandwagon with the slogan "I hate change" I feel it's time you understood what london is. Since the dawn of time it's been a melting pot of people, cultures and ideas. The london you're thinking of didn't,doesn't and never will exist. That is all. Off to buy thick cut toast (granary of course) from an artisan cafe and then spend the morning picking crumbs from my beard and reading poetry.
  9. Right. Hope policeman and everyone alright not nice to see this after a nice Christmasy night out!
  10. Hi did anyone else see the 3 car pile up on Grove vale / roundabout early hours today 2.30 am 1 police car with all glass smashed out, another being towed away, and a big white car up on pavement. Lots of police presence anyone know what happened?
  11. In an attempt to have a serious thread, I'm interested to hear thoughts about the current spate of what I think is pretty divisive TV. In the run up to the election and aftermath of the no vote, I've noticed a big increase in the number of programmes which seem to be aired purely to stir things up. These "documentaries" seem pretty low on facts and pretty low on purpose. I'm talking about those programmes about people struggling on benefits/thieving for a living, rich people wearing red trousers and being successful at the cost of everybody else, immigrants spending a week together in a house and arguing, those about youths that can't/won't work etc. Just seems so many of them and wonder if anybody else feels they're at irresponsible and potentially dangerous, I.e. Stirring up social unrest? Discuss...
  12. In no particular order... Tumbleweave. People that eat Chinese food with chopsticks on a packed commuter train whilst sniffing furiously (quite niche) Ppi calls Cyclists that wear black and have no lights The way tess daly says the word "couples" (and then says it over and over again. That is all.
  13. Retailers are very choosy who their neighbours are when punching into a new area. All about footfall, image and type of shopper attracted to an area. Choice and competition - that is what retail is based on. If you don't like it, don't shop there. If enough people agree, it will close.
  14. David k - can you at least say if it was a mugging, seemingly random or as sue asks, known to victim? Imagine that's quite tricky to get out of your mind?!
  15. Definitely a stabbing- police told me so. No news.
  16. Lion poo apparently. London zoo can provide. I am serious. Put it in the flower beds. Smells like danger...
  17. Bad news- somebody stabbed at east dulwich road end by traffic lights. Police shut road down and wouldn't say how serious but given an hour later it was still locked down with detectives there (assume man in blazer eating Mars bar in the middle of the scene and ordering people about was a detective) guess it's pretty serious. Anybody know more? Hopefully not fatal to too bad.
  18. Tough one. Evans have really good selection of bike so that's a plus. Balfes are more niche/specialist, selling what they believe to be the best bikes. Had nothing but brilliant service from those guys and am told they're about to increase the stock of genesis bikes to near enough full range which is excellent. Suspect Balfes will need to up its game a bit in terms of other stock and maintain they're excellent service. Choice and competition is a good thing. Keeps us all on our toes. Above Evans is flat, achieved under the permitted development changes I think.
  19. @james barber - has somebody hacked your account and written the most moronic thing they could think of?
  20. No chance. No demand. Not viable. Out of centre. Severe adverse impact on vitality and viability of ll. end of rumour and thread.
  21. Can confirm it is open and busy on a Sunday. Looks good. Go support it.
  22. Wow. Over a coffee shop. Can I just ask, at the risk of adding more froth to this hot coffee school yard scuffle, how do local shops, by contrast to the nasty multiples, pump their profits back to the local community? Never heard such toss in my life. Please enlighten me as to how local shops for local people are so charitable? Surely they're businesses there to make profit, just like the neros of this world? I've not met a successful retailer that runs their business for the good of the community although I have worked with big nationals, including supermarkets, that take social responsibility very seriously and pump millions of pounds into charitable causes. As an aside, Nero employs more people in east d than say the chandelier. That's more "locals" with money to spend "locally". Anyway, for what it's worth, ed deli is to be a tortilla.
  23. All, from school builds I've been involved with, timetable "slippage" stems from the education funding agency applying wholly unrealistic budgets for developments. 1 of the Contractors I'm aware has walked away from a batch of schools because they would make a loss delivering them. This may be a cause here. Equally a very tight site which will bring a higher number of challenges that will need to be considered before works progress.
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