Hello So upset and angry to say we were burgled yesterday - 18th March 2014. Numerous electronics, their cables and other items stolen. It's a truly horrible feeling so I'm hoping that posting here will help people be even more vigilant. Of course all windows & doors in our flat were locked, but the sash window was forced. PLEASE - never ever leave your premises with even a window ajar - have restrictive locks and screws fitted to sashes so they can't be fully opened - hide any high value items away. People are looking through windows - always look out for neighbours and question any unusual activity. Someone was in our garden, on a main road, forcing a big window open with tools in broad daylight - If burglar alarm goes off, yes it's annoying, but please check it out A few months ago we had an Eastern European male repeatedly ring our doorbell during the day who liked startled when we answered and gave a very rehearsed excuse. So don't think "it'll never happen to little old me" - it does!