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Everything posted by Seabag

  1. Take a trip up memory lane to Dartmouth Road in Sydenham. There's a proper boozer there. The Bird in Hand is full of London characters and not a hipster in sight. Plenty of shaved head, thick necked, short and Reebok classic wearing customers. Lager flows and screwed up packets of 'pub-grub' and betting slips on the toilet floor. Oh yeah, it's great. Well I say great, great if you like high speed geezers and odd bods talking at your face There's a well used smoking terrace and a betting shop opposite. Also a chinese takeaway within spitting distance too The pub sells crisps and other stuff 176 & 185 bus will get you there
  2. How about getting her teeth whitened For ?50 you could get at least 2 of them done, then when she's 50 you could pay for the other 2. Personally, i'd whiten the 2 main top teeth (as these stand out, as it were). Then go for the bottom ones in 2024 Tho it would be unfortunate if any fell out in the decade between 40-50
  3. Iceland vouchers or slippers in the shape of a Racoon or a trip to Alton Towers ? Seeing as "She doesn't live in a Bohemian area such as ED, and has a fairly conventional lifestyle - two kids under 10, semi, garden etc etc"
  4. tisba Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have to admit that i loved the place. > > When i moved to dulwich almost 5 years ago i > started going there few times a week. Bouncers and > bartenders all knew our group and we really felt > welcome there. Myself just loved the place because > they playeddifferent music than any other bar ive > been in Lomdon. And the atmosphere was just great > for us. Dancing on the sofas and chairs. Being > completely pissed. > Then changed my own job ad my drunken nights were > finished in adventure. Went few times in the paat > two years band have to say that i was really > disappointed. All new adtenders(i know i know. > They change quickly. And want to expand their > knowledge and stuff..) the afmosphere was > hiddous.and the music was the same bollocks which > you can listen from capital fm. > After being a regular customer in there for at > least two years. That change just felt like a stab > on my ack. And yes i know. Ars needs to do changes > to atgract more customers. But for the attraction > was that it was proper different than any ar ive > been into. > > Shame theyve closed down. Luckily they have three > other ones. Although they just are all the same. > Bah Sounds like tibsa has just got in from a night out Great post Ha ha ha!
  5. I'd love that house, not THAT actual house as it is now, but before they f*cked it up and stripped the soul out of it I'm good with renovations and all that, but how the hell can you get so little love into such a space, is beyond me I know taste is subjective and all that, but this place has all the hallmarks of cashwank interior design that I loathe Is it still for sale ? *shakes piggy bank, sighs*
  6. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Seabag Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Ha ha! > > > > Quids actually reads The Guardian > > > I think Loz and I qualify as its most loyal > readers :) And Lady ????'s likes it too
  7. My other half on the phone to a supplier, who had the ONLY stock available, but spiked the price "You're holding me to hostage here, I can't believe it" (Mrs Seabag has just read this-Ha!)
  8. Ha ha! Quids actually reads The Guardian
  9. Salsaboy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have. Ok Can I have/borrow it please ?
  10. numbers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > no Thanks numbers I was hanging out for you there, tho I can now strike you off the list Thanks for responding
  11. Peck Hamlet ? Come on, that's genius (even if I say so myself)
  12. From what I remember, the boyfriend of owner's daughter is an English chef. So we may get a different take on the usual Turkish/Cypriot angle. Or they could be doing something completely different, and surprise us all Who knows eh!
  13. Zebedee Tring Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "The Peck"! Is this really the new lovable > nickname for the neighbourhood formerly known as > Peckham? How about Catters for Catford and Lewy > for Lewisham? I'm hearing it more like P'kaam and Lw'shaam
  14. It's been owned by a Cypriot family for years. The son in law and the owners daughter are opening it as a restaurant again, I believe. I popped in there as they were clearing the place prior to the building work. They seem like a nice family. Good luck to them
  15. Are they all your own teeth ? It's a sure fire winner in the upper age bracket trawl
  16. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Only if you tell us why. My business been name checked in it Innit
  17. A copy of The Sunday Times magazine from this past weekend I'm trying to get a copy & if you've got one, could I borrow it please In anticipation
  18. edcam Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The queuing system never worked and that one guy > who worked in there was charmless and constantly > miserable. Otherwise the service was fine. The > sausage rolls were unbeatable though. I thought that too. But having to work for Tony Z was quite the soul destroying experience. To be honest, I cant believe he managed that shop for so long, without throwing a quiche into the face of some customers I'm not sad to see it/Tony Z go
  19. Seabag

    The Dog

    It's going to close quite soon, for about a year i'm told. My neighbours son works there
  20. Ron70 Until you've eaten/paid for a burger from the brunch menu at Chiltern Firehouse, you ain't lived You'll be ordering doubles with aplomb at TGE after that It's all relative, just depends who you wish to rub shoulders with
  21. Otta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Haha, Nah man, I'm all bearded up. > > Although every summer I am tempted to grab the > razor as it can get a bit uncomfortable. I'm in my summer plumage right now, beard wise. No1 into a No 2 with a 1/2 fade on the sides God I sound such a twat
  22. Otta Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The "Things that bring joy" thread. > > Smug bastards. I take it you're struggling with growing the beard
  23. Seriously, who cares about 'budget' really If you want budget tickets then there's a provision for that at P Plex. If you want cheap frozen food, then there's Iceland for that too But why should any business have to be obliged to do cheaper anything. It's a business not a social enterprise and I don't see anyone pillorying Gourmet Burger on here for not offering a 99p range If you want to be cheap and take your own whatever, then fine. Just don't carp at people who chose to do what they feel works for them You know what. I'd like a foot massage as i'm watching a film and someone to fill my wine glass. I'd even like a booth with curtains and a vintage Stouby leather sofa to sit with my partner on. All this i'd happily pay a whopping premium for Any chance this could happen, really a private members night would be great.
  24. I'm happy to pay a premium to avoid numpties who sit and text/talk through the films Doesn't happen at Brixton Ritzy generally but Greenwich peninsular is terrible for it. Not been to bring-your-own PPlex
  25. Having your beard trimmed by the barber, is a thing of joy. If you haven't tried this, then grow one and go see Mind you when someone's waiting behind you and you've had your hair cut. Then gone on for the beard trim you can see the resigned look of "f*ck really, how long does all this hair and beard sh*t take"
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