To the group of mums with their young children in a local child friendly cafe this morning be wary of who you are sat next to whilst you sit and loudly slag off your Nannies for nearly an hour. I will not comment on individual stories as I'm sure some have merit but it is rude to talk about Your nanny by name and list all their individual faults so loudly that everyone else in the cafe could hear. As a nanny I would be very upset if I knew my bosses were meeting and discussing me by name to their friends - it's rude and unprofessional - how Would you feel if a boss Did that in your work environments? Very inappropriate. I'd be thankful we didn't know your nannies personally as we'd be telling them about your rudeness. What made matters worse was that whilst you were huddled around the table Comparing 'crappy nanny behaviours' your own children were snatching toys, throwing tantrums riding their scooters inside and generally being loud and uncontrolled menaces. Yet ironically our children the ones with us terrible nannies, were Polite, courteous, quiet and played beautifully the whole time we were there. Maybe next time you meet for coffee and a critique of your employees be wary we nannies Are very protective of one another and whilst I appreciate that yes, some nannies aren't perfect, you maybe ought to look at little closer at yourselves to begin with before you loudly castigate your employees in a public space. I am not naming the cafe as it's unprofessional on my behalf but I really was outraged and felt the need to say something- I just wish in hindsight id had the courage to say it to your faces.