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Everything posted by Rose79

  1. I agree admin take this down ..... should you really be putting pictures up of a woman on an open site without their knowledge? I?m sorry your partner got attacked but you really need to try and move on ... the longer you drag it on the longer your healing process
  2. Please I'm desperately looking for seamstress to make me 12 basic slip on kids chair covers for my daughters birthday party on the 17th June. They needed to be in pink please. Her favourite colour. Measurements are 63cm tall 34cm in width These are basic school chairs so not very big. Iv attached pictures of the chairs, the last picture is what I'm basically looking for. Can anyone help a very desperate mum? Thank you Rose xx
  3. Helicopter is back circling the area. Any ideas why?
  4. Thank you so much for the advice. I'm panicking already The flight will be at 10am Good thing is she loves my iPad.
  5. Me and my Husband are travelling to Cuba with our 3yr old daughter in August, the flight is around 7 to 10 hours. I was wondering does anyone have any wise advise to offer us. Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you Rose
  6. Well well well Louisa looks like your being hypocritical, one rule for others and another for yourself. Make me laugh. If you don't like people ranting on here our having an opinion of their own then maybe you shouldn't be on here. Your a little trouble maker looking to cause upset. I will always stand by my opinion and if I was in the sam situation again I would NOT confront the person. How do I know the dog walker would not attack me or the dogs. We live in very unpredictable Society now, all you have to do is switch the news on to realise that.
  7. Thank you to everyone who has actually understood the reason for this thread. Louisa well done to you if you would approach someone with a dog while with a child, you must think your a better person for that.
  8. Either I'm being misunderstood or iv wrote down my concerns unclearly. I'm not saying the dog owner may of had a knife, I go back to what nigello said .... in general I would not approach someone weather they be a dog walker, shop lifter etc when I'm with my defenceless child. I was asked why I didn't just approach the dog walker, I didn't feel i should of, I'd of had to of left my child to go approach this dog walker who wasn't even any where near us. We called out for the dog walker to come get the dog and they just sat on the bench. The dog walker was that far away that I couldn't tell if they was male or female. Thank you tiddles and melek kiz for understanding my point and to anyone else who understands Now I feel like I'm being attacked all because i didn't approach this dog walker. Sad.
  9. I'm sorry if people think I'm wrong on here but I won't be approaching anyone while I'm with my child, if I was to get artacked or knife pulled out on me then what happens to my scared child? If I was on my own then i would most likely approach the individual. So I go back to my original post please be more responsible for your dog especially when there's innocent kids around
  10. No way would I touch a dog and take it to who ever I must take it to. That's not my responsibility is it?? And yes some of the kids was scared including my own child. And you don't understand why people don't confront situations, well I tell you why I didn't .... how do I know this person isn't some crazy individual who will attack me? Iv got my child to think of. One of the women from our group did usher the dog away but it went and approached another woman who looked clearly threatened I just feel people need to know who they leave there dogs with and people should be responsible for their dogs.
  11. The dog was the walkers as it also ran up to a woman who was sitting in the park, the woman called out to the dog walker who then eventually came and got the dog.
  12. Was that you today at goose green park around 12pm walking dogs? You irresponsibly left one dog to run around wildly while you sat down on a bench with the other dogs on leads. The dog you left to run around ran straight to us while we was all enjoying a picnic on the grass with around 10 kids all under the age of 3 and tried taking our food. All you did was just sit and watch although we called out for you to get the dog. Dog owners beware of some dog walkers not doing their job correctly. Next time I see you I will report you to the authorities
  13. Hi everyone I also would appreciate if someone could pm me with further info please I would also appreciate it if someone could pm me who is doing home schooling or who has gone through the process. My family and partner is very against me home schooling my daughter, worries are she will be vulnerable to society, won't be street wise or will become shy and regress. Any advise will be much appreciated. Thank you
  14. We will also be going out Monday.
  15. I agree with you missyelliot, this also very much concerns me, how some people can make light joke of this is beyond me. I have a toddler and if she was to see one of these pranksters she would very much be distressed and scared. I also hope this very much blows over soon
  16. Thank you saffron x
  17. Firstly I'd like to say sorry for posting my question on this thread but as its about meningitis b, I thought it be ok. My daughter is 2yrs and 4months and I'm not sure if I should get her to have the meningitis b vaccination, I was just wondering what are the pro's and con's to having it done and what are other parents view's on this vaccination? Should we do it or not? Thank you
  18. The plough is having a Halloween party on Friday 30th from 1-3pm. I'll be taking my 16mth little girl and a friend. We can't wait.
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