Hi Nikki, It was me. A friend told me about your post on here. I was going to call by later this week to thank you for all your support. The cyclist was conscious and although he needed to go to hospital, he is ok. He also admitted that he thought he had right of way and failed to stop or even slow down at the junction. He was going downhill on Underhill road very fast and hit me at the side of the car out of nowhere with no warning or preparation. I was in such a state and very confused and I can't thank you enough for your kindness. It has shaken me beyond belief and will take me a long time to get over. I am so relieved that the cyclist is ok and to be honest, am relieved that he admitted it was his fault. I wasn't driving fast but when something like that happens, you automatically look at what you did or didn't do. Thank you for your message, I really needed someone at that moment and you were there for me. Your kindness will stay with me forever as will the horrible memory of the accident. Thank you - Amyx