It is simply not true that there is no open space for the boys to play in. The boys will have a playground and they will have space to run around in, play football etc etc. It is true that the site is small, but it is this that has necessitated the demolition of the old buildings not the fire, a new school on that site was never going to work ith the existing buildings. Thesensible mitigation of the smallness of the site is that the boys will have staggered breaks so that only some of them are using the outside space at anyone time. This has other benefits as mixing small 11 yr olds with quite large 15/16 year olds doesn't always work and schools with larger outside play areas also do this. I'm with Adam, whatever the drawbacks to the site, its important that we get behind the school and make it part of, and responsive (nay work for...) to, the community.