I think I first heard about Roksana on this forum so I thought I'd chip in something back. I've been having lessons with Roksana for about 6 months now, not only have I learnt how to plonk some fingers on some keys and play a nice tune (WITH TWO HANDS :O), but my understanding of the fundamentals, of sight-reading and rhythmic control have grown immensely. I love music but years of treading water with other instruments (like guitar), left me despondent about playing music as a hobby. I was left feeling that understanding/playing music just 'wasn't for me'. However Roksana's focus on the importance of sight-reading, rhythm and phrasing pave the way for you to truly grow as a musician, no more of those 'brick wall' moments down the line because you've simply been memorizing but not understanding for months... Roksana is also extremely encouraging and thankfully also very patient. She intuitively understanding how to get the most from her students and can pick up your strengths and weaknesses very early on (for me for example? I naturally picked up sight-reading quite quickly, but my sense of rhythm is far from metronomic to say the least, so I am working extra hard on rhythmic exercises at the moment :)). My only regret is that I didn't start lessons earlier!