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Everything posted by KatDew

  1. No chance you have the little flashing A sign? If so you've got it on auto to turn on later so it won't heat. Get rid of the little A on the control panel and it will work fine
  2. I take my three there. Always happy, they're not the cheapest but the kids enjoy themselves
  3. My children left mother goose this summer ( twins starting school) I also had an older boy there in total I had three kids at mother goose between 2008 and 2014. Babies through to pre-schoolers 2/3 days a week. I was always really happy with the service. They have great outdoor space, good consistent staff with very little changeover and they feed them well!
  4. Does anyone know the summer holiday opening hours?
  5. We have just left after 6 years, my youngest are going to school. They have lovely out door spaces, caring staff and a good range of activities. Feel free to pm me if you have any specific queries.
  6. Play Mobil always popular My son got a butterfly garden set for his 6th birthday which he loved, you get a voucher to send of for the caterpillars which you then keep until they're butterflies before letting them go. My son was fascinated. Gross science kits are cool Super hero fancy dress costumes
  7. I agree with the others posters. I don't believe feeling valued for my work and identifying myself with my profession is mutually exclusively with identifying myself as a mothers. The rest was fairly easily fillend in though
  8. In their defence, the chaps at the two free ones ( behind the over priced ones were lovely)I think it's a shame the council put the effort into paying for two bouncey castles, for them to be hidden behind the gigantic over priced ones.
  9. As far as I understand you are eligible for the funding from the term after their 3rd birthday the cut off dates being the 1st of April, 1st of September and 1st of January. You have to provide the child's birth certificate at some point as proof of eligibility. The funding represents 15 hours of funding for 38 weeks of the year. However most nurseries allow you to spread the funding in monthly amounts over the year. Obviously your reduction will depend on how many days you are paying for. (ie it will be very noticeable if you are only paying 2 days a week but less so if you are paying 5days a week) From memory my nursery is claiming something like ?750? Ish pounds per term for my 3 year olds. ( I vaguely sign apiece of paper to agree to them claiming it) and they claim that three times per year. Hope this makes some sense?
  10. We live on the same road we were at Melbourne grove but they were dreadful. We eventually moved to the Hambledon clinic on Blanchedown. We moved 15 months ago and they have been lovely. The staff seem to genuinely care, the reception staf actually seem to go out of their way to be helpful? It is slightly out of the way and the Surgery looks a bit unpromising but I am very glad we swapped.
  11. Thats such a shame. It was a wonderful group and I found it invaluable with my eldest.
  12. I have been twice once with just my son once with all three. They loved it and it is something that gets talked about for ages afterwards, however it is expensive for what ends up being a half day activity. London zoo is more like a full day trip but slightly more awkward to get to
  13. one of my three has it. I'd actually have said he had it even as a baby, on a sunny day he'd be sneezing and had watery eyes. It has got worse as he's got older (now he's 5). Poor kid does seem to be suffering his eyes get itchy and he's been doing some monster sneezes. I don't really want to give him piriton every day, it makes me really sleepy and I'm not sure how it affects him. Don't want him falling asleep all day at school
  14. we went along today the kids loved it.
  15. I used them full time with my eldest. I mostly used the pocket type. Once you've got something that fits you baby well they can be very reliable I then had a set of twins, I used them a bit the first 15 months but I struggled to keep up with the washing and drying etc. Also one of my twins was a skinny little titch and I couldn't get them to fit her right. So they easily paid for themselves. I did love them but two wearing cloth nappies at the same time was a bit much!
  16. I think to be fair to everyone, most peoples priorities change when they have children. I also think that you have to take into account how much people were enjoying their career before they had children. There is also the complication of finances, not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford to be a SAHM even if that is what they would actually prefer. I was brought up believing women 'could have it all' and I do believe we were slightly mis-sold! Having children and maintaining a career is more complicated than I expected. More often than not women take on more of the compromises and seem to do more of the 'juggling'.
  17. I feel I'm lucky in this one. I have a job that I can do 3 days a week without it affecting my preformance. I have a husband who can help with drop off and pick ups and my mother incredibly kindly looks after my twins one day a week. This means my twins are only in nursery 2 days a week. I worked hard to get my career going before I had kids. If I walked away from it when my children were tiny there really wouldn't be the option to go back a few years later. I realise though not everyone is as lucky. Some jobs don't work as well part time and lots of peoples partners work very long hours making the bedtime times and drop off very difficult. I'm not sure there is a perfect answer. I really enjoy my time at home but I also know if I was a SAHM I think I would go slightly crazy. That doesn't make me feel any less guilty when on occasions my 'working mum juggling act' comes up short. Over the years I have met more Mum's of older children who have regretted giving up their careers that I have met Mum's who kept their careers going and wish that they hadn't..... but then I could just be hearing what I want to hear.
  18. I have a baby Jogger city select. Yes you can set it up in that arrangement. I love it as a buggy, my only quibble is that it can be heavy to push if you have pavements with lots of drop kerbs. Most places in East Dulwich it fits great and pavements are fine. Rather annoyingly my road has a lot of drop kerbs though! Amazingly huge shopping basket it underneath!
  19. I did it was bia the bus.... very very very slow
  20. This is far from a perfect solution but I have twins and I had this issue one was sleeping well the other not. I ended up doing sleep training together. We did feel bad when the 'innocent' party was woken up. However 2 days later and they were both sleeping properly in the same room and no issues since (this was 18 months ago) one twin did very occasionally wake up however the difference was we had the confidence to settle them in their room. Both twins learnt to sleep in their own bed, they learnt to ignore each other and we stopped whisking them into our room at the first whimper being that we were terrified of them waking each other up
  21. yes they fit fine. Several twin mum friends of mine have used it till they didn't need to use a buggy anymore
  22. Really depends whether you are looking for a tandem/stacking style or a side by side. Side by side I think the baby jogger mini double comes highly recommended it's narrow for a side by side and folds well however all side by sides feel huge. Phil and teds or stacking styles are great in that they are small and compact but the view is limited for whoever is underneath. A lot of the tandem styles can be heavy to push. I've tried a few doubles and never found a perfect one. My favourite to push around is the out and about nipper, which is great in many ways but heavy and bulky when folded
  23. I was signed up with the Brierly midwives with my twin pregnancy (before I knew it was twins) they couldn't get me out fast enough when they found out I was having twins. Unfortunately I felt quite 'steam rollered' with my twin pregnancy and didn't feel I got a lot of choice or say in much of my care.
  24. I always did a dream feed. Number 1 child slept through from dreamfeed till morning from around 6/8 weeks till 8 months till he became an appalling sleeper for a few months between 8-12 months Number 2 and 3 children were twins. Did the dreamfeed. They weren't as good sleepers as our eldest but they were small premmies. One slept through intermittently again same appalling phase between 8-12 months, one never slept through until a year old. So same routine, same milk supply, mixed results! As others have said there was always the thought that it couldn't do any harm and had the potential to maximise the shared sleep and it was always a nice sleepy feed. All my kids have slept amazingly from a year old before that it was a bit hit and miss.
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