A 30-min introduction to respectful potty training. Find out whether your child is ready and why you don't need to wait for readiness signs. I also tell you when is best to start and a clear prep phase for before you get started. Perfect for parents & caregivers of toddlers aged 13+ months. The class is free but due to parents signing up but not attending the class, I've started charging a symbolic ?1. If you go on to book a potty training class or consultation after, the ?1 will be deducted from the cost of the potty training printed guide (which is normally ?4 - you pay ?1). https://buytickets.at/nappyfree/398253 I also offer classes and 1:1 consultations for any issues with potty training, bedwetting, regressions, etc. See www.nappyfree.co.uk for more info.