Is it me, or is this thread descending into farce?! We're talking about someone being physically assaulted here, but it would seem the greater sin is the OP 'mislabelling' the attacker's skin colour!!! It's funny how notions about what's PC and what isn't always seem to turn full-circle and arrive back at the point they originally started out from. I'm also old enough to remember when referring to someone as being 'black' was considered an insult. I clearly remember my left-wing, Marxist ILEA teachers lecturing me about it. They said the colour black had acquired culturally-negative connotations - being associated with darkness, evil-doing and, perhaps more amusingly, bin bags! As someone who is mixed race - or should that now be 'of dual heritage' - I'm just as happy being labelled 'coloured' as 'black'. My skin colour isn't black, anyway. It's a sort of dark, honey-coloured hue. I'd actually question how many people have black skin in the truest sense of the word. Either way, I wouldn't be offended if anyone called me coloured, dark-skinned, black or whatever as, at the end of the day, I'm just happy being 'little ol' me'; and I don't have a dirty great chip on my shoulder and/or lots of cultural baggage about my ethnic identity to air on community forums. Ho hum... DaSilva