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  1. To be fair, it's entirely possible the thieves were confused. Having been told repeatedly it's 'Your M&S', maybe they thought they could just help themselves to the takings...
  2. Oh dear... Perhaps our only hope is that Wee Jimmy Krankie manages to torpedo Farage?s little flotilla of flag-waving, beer-swilling, Sun-reading spivs and xenophobes. #ThanetOfTheApes
  3. Is it me, or is this thread descending into farce?! We're talking about someone being physically assaulted here, but it would seem the greater sin is the OP 'mislabelling' the attacker's skin colour!!! It's funny how notions about what's PC and what isn't always seem to turn full-circle and arrive back at the point they originally started out from. I'm also old enough to remember when referring to someone as being 'black' was considered an insult. I clearly remember my left-wing, Marxist ILEA teachers lecturing me about it. They said the colour black had acquired culturally-negative connotations - being associated with darkness, evil-doing and, perhaps more amusingly, bin bags! As someone who is mixed race - or should that now be 'of dual heritage' - I'm just as happy being labelled 'coloured' as 'black'. My skin colour isn't black, anyway. It's a sort of dark, honey-coloured hue. I'd actually question how many people have black skin in the truest sense of the word. Either way, I wouldn't be offended if anyone called me coloured, dark-skinned, black or whatever as, at the end of the day, I'm just happy being 'little ol' me'; and I don't have a dirty great chip on my shoulder and/or lots of cultural baggage about my ethnic identity to air on community forums. Ho hum... DaSilva
  4. Have you tried Tesco? Weren't they selling horse a short while ago?
  5. I agree Loz, To my mind the OP was merely trying to give other forum users an accurate description of the youth in question; and their colour is, in this instance, just another identifying feature. Had they had ginger hair, or a distinctive tattoo, or were wearing a polka-dot-pink body-suit (aka Mr Blobby), I'm sure the OP would have included this in their description as well I wonder whether some of the posters on here who cry 'racism' at the drop of a hat should consider the mote in their own eyes first Oh, and for the record, I happen to be black ...and male ...and I sometimes ride a bike
  6. That's a novel perspective to take, Sue. If you look a little more closely at the previous posts on this thread (including your own execrable efforts), I think you'll find it's other posters - not me - who exhibit 'a low opinion of other forum members' by subjecting them to a deeply unpleasant campaign of playground bullying. Hence, to paraphrase one of your juicier quotes, 'perhaps you should engage your brain before posting - if you have one'.
  7. Jah Lush - thanks for reinforcing my point so eloquently ;-)
  8. Daily Mail, Mumsnet - I think you might be onto something Pinecone. If I were you, I'd just ignore the EDF's pitchfork-wielding yokels. They just don?t want to have to imagine their cosy, bucolic domain could potentially be disrupted by an icy blast of urban reality - especially when they?re having to fork out so much money to live in this little corner of God?s earthly paradise.
  9. Ha Ha! Yes, actually the worst bit is the bit from Aldwych to Tottenham Court Road - the traffic does tend to get snarled up around Trafalgar square. Alighting at Waterloo and getting on the Northern Line to travel onto Goodge Street would definitely save time - but it will also cost more, because you'll be travelling in Zone 1 during the rush hour. Hey ho - 'you pays your money and you takes your choice' Regards DaSilva
  10. Hi Poppet, If it was me, I would take the 176 bus from Lordship Lane to Tottenham Court Road (alighting at the last stop); then it's a 10 min walk up Tottenham Court Road to Goodge Street station. I would leave the house around 7:30 to ensure you reach your destination on time I used to make the same journey to attend a monthly class in the shadow of the BT Tower, a year or so back Regards DaSilva
  11. NickT Sorry to be pedantic, but perhaps you should think about amending your last post to take out any identifying details regarding those alleged to be involved in this latest incident. Remember, this is an open forum which ANYONE can read and it's probably best to avoid any potential reprisals.
  12. I was walking back to Forest Hill from Peckham Rye with a friend on Sunday night (13th Oct). We passed along Barry Road and turned into Upland Road between 8:30-8:40 pm. As we reached the junction with Friern Road, I turned to see a youngish guy (early twenties?) following a few yards behind us with what looked like a red bandana around his throat, partially obscuring the lower part of his face. He seemed to clock me at the same time I looked at him, which immediately put me on my guard. We continued on a few paces and I turned back to look at him again at which point he seemed to nip behind the red telephone kiosk on Upland Road. I glanced back a few more times as I continued up Upland Road, but I did not see him again. I thought at the time he was acting suspiciously. Now I wonder if it's the same guy who attacked mimmcc's husband at 9:30 pm that same evening at the Lordship Lane end of Friern Road. Unfortunately, it was too dark to give a proper description, except to say he was of average height, slim build and wearing dark clothing. I'm posting this really to echo earlier calls for people to exercise vigilance and to remain aware of their surroundings when out and about of an evening - especially as the nights are now drawing in.
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