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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. I also like (in the same row of shops) African Prices and Mixed Blessings Bakery. Sorry to see that Rimworld will no longer be adding to the comedy value of that part of the Walworth Road!
  2. Just to give you hope, my daughter was rubbish at napping when she was tiny, but from about 14 months (I think it coincided with walking and stopping breastfeeding) she started having one good nap per day and now aged 2 and a bit she is capable of sleeping for 2.5 hours in the middle of the day! schpan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm so jealous. My 6 month old sometimes has a > half hour morning nap but that's it for the rest > of the day, apart from the odd 10 minute power > nap. Might be time to get out the Gina Ford > judging by all these posts.
  3. not sure if anyone has already said this, but once baby is born do all your supermarket shopping online - much less stress to deal with. I think ocado are the best for this
  4. I once got a load of children's books from Jay Rayner and his wife through freecycle. They were very friendly and charming.
  5. heh heh - my neapolitan midwife didn't mince her words and said exactly that - push like you need to poo - it took a while but it seemed to do the trick! re. sanitary/maternity pads after the birth, I have to disagree with sunbob and mellors - I had quite a few stitches and found the thicker "traditional" pads much more comfortable as they provided extra cushioning. I tried some slimline ones and they felt horrible.
  6. My 2 year old loves going to Wagamamas - despite being a fussy eater she gobbles up their noodles and they have high chairs and usually give kids some paper and crayons to play with. We usually go to the branch on the river near the Tate Modern, and follow with a stroll along the river and visit to the Tate. Very easy to get to by train from East Dulwich to London Bridge, and they often have special offers going on if you look online for vouchers etc.
  7. not just you - babyfriendlybotlholes - in my dreams! Our holidays this year will be limited to going to stay with friends for free!!
  8. ooh Austins - that brings back memories. I used to love looking round there with my mum - it was a magical dusty old place
  9. that's good to hear - my 2 year old daughter seems to survive on a diet of mostly air! (with some milk, plain fruit, plain veg and a bit of pasta on the side)
  10. I grew up in Woodwarde Road and loved it, and my parents are still there 38 years after buying their house. The road has a very friendly, neighbourly feel, which I suspect Court Lane lacks.
  11. Cameron and most definitely the idiot from the BT ads
  12. pure vitamin E oil for sore or cracked nipples - you can buy it from the chemist/health food shops and you don't need to wash it off before breastfeeding. Worked a treat for me, and you can also use it as a lip balm/gloss! re. bright yellow explosive poos on babygrows - I just rinsed off in cold water, gave it a bit of a rub with some soap (any old bar of soap will do) and then chucked in a washing up bowl with water with other babygrows until I had enough dirty washing to do a load. I found that drying in the sun would bleach out any remainder of poo stain (I was living in Naples at the time though so perhaps the sun there has superior bleaching powers!)
  13. Hi, this thread is a great idea. I'm afraid I don't really have many recipes to offer, but if you have any suggestions for quick meals that would be great! I work full time and as soon as I get home with my daughter after picking her up from the grandparents she is hungry and ready for dinner straight away. My current favourite is pasta (always goes down well) with tuna and tomato sauce - heat a little bit of olive oil in a frying pan, chuck in a squashed garlic clove and a tin of tuna in olive oil, then add a tin of chopped or cherry tomatoes plus a bit of tomato puree (I use sun-dried tomato puree) and a few basil leaves, then just let it simmer for about fifteen minutes while the pasta is cooking. I'm afraid I often resort to lazy things like omelette/scrambled egg, fish fingers, or even just ham and cheese, always accompanied by some veg of course! It doesn't help that my little one is a fussy eater...
  14. Hi Gabriele, I'm not Italian, but my partner is, and we moved back to London last year after living in Naples for four years. Where are you from? Hope you enjoy East Dulwich!
  15. does anyone know whether you can park on single yellow lines in central london (soho/oxford street) on a sunday?
  16. cahoot - internet only, always had excellent service
  17. my cat loved drinking straight from the tap of the kitchen sink. she'd jump in there and wait for me to turn the tap on - not too hard though!
  18. erm, the cats like being in their sinks. if you take a look, most of them are enjoying a nice kip
  19. there is a shoe repair shop on Grove Vale. I think it's called Merrifields
  20. summer thunderstorms, encounters with friendly cats on the way home from work, seeing cute babies out and about, sniffing my daughter's head (actually, that has more of a narcotic effect), the sound of a cat's purr, the espresso coffee at chalet ciro in Naples
  21. I've always used Orange, never had problems and agree that their customer service is excellent. Decent coverage too.
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