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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. The Family Room Moderator has thoughtfully started a summer babies thread - see here
  2. I should have added my second is due 14 September, I already have a 3 year old daughter. Let's wait to see who else joins and then maybe we can organise to meet up? Perhaps coffee/tea at a time when we are without existing little ones would be best to start with, and then we could also try to meet up with offspring and hope that they happily play together while we chat!
  3. Hey ladies. I'm due mid September with my second and started showing much earlier than with my first. Now at 24 weeks I look as big as I did when I was 7 months pregnant first time! First time I didn't have a proper bump until about 26 weeks. nymom - do join our "Autumn babies" thread. We can also continue this kind of chat there! My daughter is 3 - so Supergolden sounds like our kids might be good ages to play together if we can meet up once babies are born? Molly x
  4. One thing that occurred to me about bath time - my daughter likes her bath fairly hot - presumably that's no good for new baby so wondering how I'll get around that - maybe do baby in baby bath on floor while my daughter has her usual bath?
  5. Sure, I don't see why not! Sorry, I meant to include you in my list in the first post
  6. Hi - to those of you due in September or thereabouts, I've just started an "Autumn babies" thread - hope to see you there! x
  7. Hello all, Following discussions on this thread and this one, I am starting a thread for those of us who are expecting babies in the autumn. I know there are quite a few of us: me, Millsa, Smiler, Ladywotlunches, Buggie, Fuschia and others. I thought it could be somewhere where we can moan about our pregnancies, share experiences and advice, offer each other support and hopefully organise to meet up both pre and post birth. Of course anyone who is not due in the autumn but fancies joining in, and offering advice/support/ etc (Mellors, Gwod, anyone else?) is more than welcome! Hope to be chatting with you all soon. Molly x Edited to change to Autumn babies club so more people can join in
  8. This is such a great thread! Mellor your post made me laugh a lot. At least I won't have partner coming home and asking what's for dinner as he will be working evenings...and if it turns out that he's not, then he will be making dinner, that's for sure! Off to start the September club thread now - Mellor and Gwod, can we have you as "guests"?
  9. Please, can I plead for a saturday or sunday? Otherwise I will never be able to come :'( !
  10. Thanks Smiler for starting this thread - I am in the same situation as you - expecting no.2 in september - no. 1 will be 3 and a half, and I had the same worries. Your post is really helpful Mellors - Beckenham Spa/creche sounds like a great idea. My eldest will be at nursery 3 days a week, but what I am really dreading is bedtimes. I was expecting to do what you suggest Mellors and just put baby in cot at 7pm so I can get on with storytime with older one. Hopefully as you say they'll learn to self settle soon enough! Smiler, I am planning to start a thread for mums due in September, so hope you'll join in once it's up and we can all support each other/share experiences/commiserate/meet for coffees etc.
  11. Saturday 6 June is great for me as Saturday and Sunday and the only evenings that my OH is around to stay in with our daughter. Hope we can organise something, and only regret that I won't be able to drink any booze!
  12. sanity girl

    Sinus woes

    I have had antibiotics for sinusitus in the past - if your snot is a nasty greenish colour then you have an infection and probably need them - worth seeing your doctor if you're really suffering
  13. sanity girl

    Sinus woes

    I feel your pain. I've used the Sterimar saline aerosol and it's pretty effective (desperate last resort as pregnant and cannot use sudafed etc). It's quite shocking the gunk that can get flushed out after you've used it! You can get it from most chemists.
  14. Have you tried roll-on suncream? I got some from Superdrug (own brand) for kids and it's brilliant. They have a buy one get one free offer on at the moment. I let my daughter roll it on the bits she can reach herself and help rub in and she happily lets me do her face with eyes closed. And she is not the most cooperative when it comes to things like bath-times, face washing, hair washing etc! The Nappy Lady Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Personally I just wish someone would invent a way > of magically getting the suncream onto the > children without any complaining/crying or it > ending up > > - on me/fresh clothes just on for the day > - the carpet > - in their eyes (due to rubbing eyes during the > process) > > So tedious......
  15. Hi Poppy, I do sympathise, my daughter has never been a good sleeper. I did try controlled crying once or twice when she was 6 months or so but she just went on and on and so I gave up. My solution to the problem long term was to let her come in bed with us, to minimize the disruption when she did wake to feed. Things got better when I stopped breastfeeding when she was 16 months, and even better when I moved her into a proper bed (rather than cot) when she was 2, as it was easier to get her off to sleep without having to hold her. Now she is 3 and some nights she sleeps through, some nights she still comes into bed with us, but those nights of really broken sleep are a distant memory. Good news that your little one is a good napper though - console yourself with that, and maybe try to catch up on sleep when he naps, if you can? x
  16. Just to say I am a bit busy with work at the moment, but haven't forgotten about starting a "September club" thread - promise I will do it soon! Perhaps once it is up and running, if there is demand we could then look into organising "mummy mentors" for first time mums in the group who feel in need of support.
  17. I like all the suggestions so far, but was thinking maybe I would act on Moos's idea and start a thread for a "September club", as I am due then. I've already made contact with a couple of other mums who are due in september through this forum, and I know there are loads more on here - it could work well with a mix of mums who already have kids and therefore more experience to share, and first time mums. Moos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How about starting a May Club.. then a June Club.. > and so on - just a thread for people due in each > month to organise get-togethers at caf?s, parks or > each other's houses, and perhaps every now and > then invite a 'seasoned' mother (or even better, a > breastfeeding counsellor... feeding expert... > trained carer) to come along too. > > The mutual and local support of other people going > through the same thing at the same time, whether > because you just want some company and a giggle or > when you're having a rotten day and need real > help, is what got me through my son's babyhood.
  18. Thank you all for your replies. I am taking hpsaucey up on her very kind offer of trying out her theraline pillow, and if I get on with that I may treat myself to one, as it sounds good for breastfeeding too.
  19. Hello all, at 5 months pregnant my bump is growing and I'm getting to the stage where it's uncomfortable to be rolling around in bed at night and I wake up full of aches and pains. At the moment I'm sleeping with a normal pillow between my knees, but it's not much help and usually ends up on the floor (not helped by our 3 year old often joining us in bed in the early hours). First pregnancy I ended up with 3 extra pillows - one behind my back, one between knees, and one under bump - but it's just too crowded in our bed for that now! So, do you have any recommendations for good pregnancy pillows? Has anyone tried the dream genii? Is it any good? Your advice would be much appreciated.
  20. Not ED, but the 99p store in Camberwell had some sets (2 buckets, spade and mini rake thing) for 99p!
  21. Disposable for night-times when the milk would build up and I leaked LOADS, but I preferred the Avent washable ones for daytime - more environmentally friendly and so much cheaper!
  22. I found the sleep deprivation for the first few weeks very hard to cope with. Even though people kept reassuring me that it would pass, I didn't believe them. Sure enough after 2 months I started getting longer stretches of sleep and then suddenly everything looked so much rosier. By the time my daughter was 3 months it all felt like a piece of cake!
  23. Hi, have you tried getting him measured at Biff in Dulwich Village? They are pretty good and have a good range of shoes, not just start rite
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