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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. There are containers for recycling plastic bags inside sainsburys itself. They're by the exit doors.
  2. I am so with you LittleEDFamily, I feel like I am never on top of things and the house is constantly full of clutter. I am so tired by the end of the day I can never face dealing with it. I would love somebody to come in and help me sort it all, and then put all the unwanted stuff on ebay! And I wish I was more motivated to cook yummy things, but when do people looking after small ones at home all day find the time? Perhaps they have very placid children? Not me! I either have a nearly 4 year old tugging at my sleeve or a 4 month old crying for boob/cuddles/attention. I did use a playpen for my daughter when she was very little, and it was a great help - we were in Italy at the time, where everyone uses them. Not sure I could bring myself to use one again for no. 2 though. And that flylady website - terrifying!!
  3. Baby E is obviously teething at almost 4 months, and today has a bleeding gum. Just curious, as my daughter never had this, once there is bleeding how long before the tooth comes??
  4. Baby E also has the fisher price rainforest one and loves it
  5. My daughter will be 4 in march and still has her milk from a bottle! (must be because she's half italian LOL ;-) ) I have tried to convert her to beakers but she won't have any of it. She has no speech problems, in fact quite the opposite, she was a very early talker
  6. Hi, there are lots of threads about this kind of thing in the family discussion section. You would be better off posting there. The general consensus seems to be that it's best to put your nearest school as first choice.
  7. aargh, my 3.5 year old daughter now has it (very mild so far thank goodness).Just reviving this thread to see if anyone else stricken and fancies a play date
  8. Hi, South London Dance Studios in Herne Hill do nursery classes from 2.5 years. My daughter has been going for a year now and loves it.
  9. Thanks all - in the end the nursery have loaned me one which I will swaddle in one of my baby's muslins!
  10. My daughter is playing Mary in her nursery nativity play (she was originally meant to be a camel but swapped with Kelly who wouldn't stay still :)) ), and has been asked to supply a baby doll to play the part of Jesus. We don't have any dolls at home, so I wondered if any of you kind folk have one that we could borrow until 16 December? Ideally I should collect one this morning to take into nursery today (bad mummy forgot and left it rather late, but I do have a new baby at home which is a bit distracting!). Thanks if anyone can help.
  11. Hi, I started a thread about this a while ago. Here it is I ended up getting a simple bolster pillow online from Dunelm Mill which did the job perfectly and only cost around a tenner.
  12. I still get engorged some mornings at 11 weeks (little one sleeps through the night :)) ) but not cold and shivery, so I would def check your temperature and if it continues see GP.
  13. Good luck Fuschia, look forward to hearing more news soon! x
  14. Hi! I got some really nice Hot Milk bras from this website nursing bra shop - prices were much cheaper than elsewhere. As for nursing tops - I just got some vests and tops with buttons down the front from H&M that do the job nicely.
  15. My daughter used to be like this. I'm afraid I resorted to bribery with chocolate buttons/smarties combined with using the special jug with rubber rim. It worked. Now she's a bit older I've encouraged her to wash her hair herself and she likes that - when it's her tipping the water over her head she doesn't mind it getting in her eyes!
  16. I didn't get stretch marks first pregnancy, but did second time around :'( I definitely stretched more this time! I would just moisturise as much as possible and use almond or coconut oil straight after the bath or shower, but I don't think you can really do much to deter them if you're going to get them. At least mine faded as soon as baby was out.
  17. Maybe try a fleece sleepsuit? They do them in 2-3 year size at sainsbury's. My daughter has rediscovered hers in this cold weather and is happy and cosy in it.
  18. John Lewis has a parents room on the 4th floor with loads of changing mats and feeding rooms. Also Mamas and Papas on Regent street. Having said that, I've fed my baby wherever he's got hungry - on the train into town, in the kitchen dept of John Lewis (I asked the staff first, they were very nice), in a cafe while having lunch...I've also done it on the big benches in the sainsburys wing of the national gallery, outside where the loos are. I think they have fine changing facilities there too. Places these days are pretty well equipped - when I lived in Italy I usually had to change my daughter in her pram/on the floor! Have fun :)
  19. My daughter also asked and I just told her that I had to push the baby out of my "fifi" (our name for it!) and she was quite happy with that. When she queried whether fifis were not a bit small for that I explained that they could stretch, and again she happily absorbed that information. She did recently ask how the baby actually got in to my tummy and I'm afraid I chickened out of that one and just said that mamma and papa magicked the baby in there, but perhaps I will investigate the book mentioned above if the question persists...
  20. Congratulations Jollybaby - Beatrice was the name we were going to choose if we had a girl!
  21. Does anyone know where you can buy an inner tube for a phil and teds wheel locally? Cheers
  22. Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue Sept 11th jollybaby - pink Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink Sept 17th Buggie - born 19th Sept - pink Sept 17th Millsa - born 21st Sept - pink Sept 19th radnrach - born 4th Sept - blue Sept 21st Au'lait Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - born 16th Sept - pink Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink Sept 28th Psych Oct 6th Penpot Oct 8th Katycameron Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow Oct 16th Reren - blue Oct 17th EDZ - pink Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue Nov 1st kerry.finlay Nov 2nd Foxyarchie Nov 7th LeilahB Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink Nov 20th MrsLL2b Nov 12th Trish Nov 22nd Felt-tip Nov 25th HollieES Nov 28th Fuschia - blue
  23. Congratulations Buggie, that's fantastic news. Might we be lucky enough to get a picture?? I know one other has also had her baby, but I'll leave her to announce it. Here's the updated list in the meantime. ps thanks for all your lovely comments about Eduardo - he's feeding and sleeping very well, and we are all besotted with him Aug 29th Peppa - born 29th Aug - pink Sept 2nd Claire29 - born 7th Sept - blue Sept 11th jollybaby - pink Sept 14th Sanity Girl - born 16th Sept - blue Sept 15th Smiler - born 27th Aug - pink Sept 17th Buggie - born 19th Sept - pink Sept 17th Millsa - pink Sept 19th radnrach - born 4th Sept - blue Sept 21st Au'lait Sept 23rd ladywotlunches - ?pink! Sept 26th Mummynegin - pink Sept 28th Psych Oct 6th Penpot Oct 8th Katycameron Oct 10th hannah06 - yellow Oct 16th Reren - blue Oct 17th EDZ - pink Oct 24th PrincessPeckingham - pink Oct 29th Supergolden88 - blue Nov 1st kerry.finlay Nov 2nd Foxyarchie Nov 7th LeilahB Nov 8th angelchildsmum - pink Nov 20th MrsLL2b Nov 12th Trish Nov 22nd Felt-tip Nov 25th HollieES Nov 28th Fuschia - blue
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