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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. I have one of these swimsuit, and while it doesn't work miracles it does do a decent job of holding my tummy in a little and it is very comfortable (I am tall and it's the first time I've found a swimsuit that's actually long enough in the body). I also feel like it nips my waist in a bit, if that's possible for a swimsuit!
  2. Ikea antilop followed by tripp trapp when they get to toddler stage
  3. I'm pretty sure both Jojo and Soup Dragon have swimwear. Why not give them a call?
  4. Try Jayne Hairy Jayne. THink she does appts saturdays and in the past she's done G'd hair for ?5 at the same time as doing mine.
  5. Definitely just enjoy being able to socialise with other mums and babies and just spending time with your baby - at home, at the park, wherever! I am missing those mum and baby coffees and lunches now, and when the weather is like this I wish I could just be sitting in a nice shady spot in a park somewhere with a blanket and a few toys enjoying peaceful baby time!
  6. I am crying silent tears of laughter in the office!
  7. I often point and press my car key at the front door, expecting it somehow magically to open (both when with and without baby and 4 year old!)
  8. I would put 12.5 year old in the maxi cosi tobi and move 3 year old to the next stage up. I have a britax kidfix which is good if you have isofix.
  9. Baby naps any time between 9.30 and 10.30 (latest) depending on what time he has woken up in the morning, and then again in the afternoon around 2.30. Usually about an hour each time, sometimes longer. I had been starting his bedtime with bath around 6.30, but it was getting so long and drawn out that I have moved his slightly later and brought daughter's forward a bit so do bath and pjs on at the same time then daughter has a bit of tv while I try (and fail!) to get baby down. 2Loulou - yes I don't think the long days and heat help, am hoping it will be better tonight now it has cooled down. Thank goodness early morning wakings are not a problem though! I'm afraid I don't believe homeopathy works apart from as a placebo effect but I have tried baby nurofen and doesn't seem to make much difference.
  10. I do sometimes eat with her. But mealtimes are another battle...I certainly wouldn't want to eat the same things as her as that would limit me to plain pasta, egg, cheese and broccoli ::o I occasionally call in the grandparent cavalry - they are great!
  11. I found the keeping in touch days really helpful. Made me feel much more positive about going back and reminded me that I could still do the job no problem (in fact it's much much easier than childrearing!). I have used my holiday allowance accumulated during ML to go back part time for the first 3 months, will go full time in September, so it is a nice gentle reintroduction. Is that something you could do?
  12. So, tonight is the third or fourth night that I haven't got both children to sleep until 9.30, and have been eating my dinner at 10pm or later. I could really do with some advice on how to change their bedtime routine to get them off earlier. I have a 4 year old and 9 month old. 4 year old is always full of energy and even when tired finds it hard to switch off. 9 month old is teething and screams the house down when I try to put him in cot, even though he is also tired. I used to leave 4 year old watching telly with her milk while I did baby's bath and bedtime, so I could then do her bedtime and devote some dedicated time to her doing story, tickles etc, and that was working until quite recently. Now however baby will not play ball and no longer goes down without fuss (sometimes asleep on boob, sometimes awake but happy in cot) as he did - he will eventually go down in cot but only after many tries, much screaming, nursing and him joining me and 4 year old for stories etc etc. Then I still have to do stories tickles etc with 4 year old! I often end up falling asleep next to her I am so tired. Any great tips? I know it will probably pass and the heat isn't helping, but I'm getting a bit fed up and would like at least part of my evenings back. Oh, and I'm a single parent so no back up from partner available.
  13. Have just read this and signed the petition. Makes me feel sick to the stomach. Hope as many others as possible will also read and sign!
  14. JAGS sports club do great swimming lessons. I think they usually do a week long course in the summer holidays, but they haven't released any dates yet. My daughter aged 4 does their weekly beginners lesson and loves it, but you have to be very quick to enrol as they fill up straight away! JAGS
  15. I got an excellent sunshade from Soup Dragon. Like this one Easy to use and fold away, not expensive and I'm always getting comments about it and parents asking me where I got it.
  16. Ooh, did not know this either. Now I know what to do with the slightly overripe bananas sitting in my fruit bowl! Baby E loves ice cream too - result :)
  17. Just noticed a kids go free legoland sticker on the new nutella jar in my cupboard!
  18. I often visit the 99p shop in camberwell for basic art supplies - you can find coloured paper, big sketch pads, sets of pens, pencils, glitter pens etc, various stickers, even watercolour sets. All for 99p! You can get kids glue in Mr Green's stationer/toy shop in Dulwich village. He also has a good selection of art supplies, but not as cheap. The rolls of paper that they stock in the upstairs toy section are very handy to use with an easel.
  19. the one and only time my daughter tried porridge she spat it straight out half way across the table! Can't blame her, hate the stuff myself! She doesn't even want toast with nutella any more. Just dairy and fruit. Guess that's not so bad?
  20. Blackbird bakery do a fantastic american pancake mix. Unfortunately my daughter won't touch them (or most other things for breakfast - cereal, toast, english muffins, crumpets etc etc - used to eat them but just won't any more *sigh*)
  21. I wouldn't worry about it. My daughter was in pull-ups until almost 4, and only the last couple of months has been dry at night. I still get her up just before I go to bed to do a wee and that seems to prevent accidents. Still, waterproof mattress protectors are a must - hippychick do good ones!
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