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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. I'm thinking of taking my 5 year old daughter to see this as her birthday treat. Has anyone been? She's watched the film loads of times and loves it and doesn't find it at all scary. Would you say the show is similar in terms of scariness? Don't want to take her and then have her freaked out by it! Thanks for any feedback you can give.
  2. I have been known to have a glass of wine while the little ones have their dinner at 5pm :))
  3. I'd also recommend a trip to the fitting studio in forest hill, and I would wait until after the baby is born as your ribcage will go down again quite a bit and your boobs will most likely get a lot bigger! I like Hot Milk and also the plain white Royce nursing bras for everyday. Once you know your size in a certain brand you can find them cheap on ebay or other online sites.
  4. I agree with Lakey about trying different types before you settle on buying anything in bulk. I've been using flips mostly for my boy until recently but have just discovered bumgenius organic all-in-ones - why didn't I find them before?? They are pretty slim and sooo absorbent. Only downside is that they take ages to dry. The very slimmest I have used however are the fuzzibunz one size elite - they have a minkee insert that looks like it won't be at all absorbent, but it is brilliant, washes so well and doesn't stain or retain smells and is amazingly absorbent. For night forget about slimness and go for a fitted bamboo nappy with wrap - my fave is little lamb bamboo with motherease airflow wrap. Here are links to the bumgenius organic and fuzzibunz. Enjoy!
  5. Also get your doctor do to a blood test for your thyroid as an under-active thyroid is fairly common and causes loss of appetite
  6. My friend got a really warm looking down filled one from TK Maxx recently - worth looking there?
  7. I love the one my boy uses (but he's not walking yet) - the brand is actually called Buggy Snuggle and it's made from very warm fleece. It keeps him so cosy he never feels cold after being in there. I got it second hand on this forum for a fiver but you can also get them on ebay. They are rather pricey new.
  8. Saw both your posts and have sent you a PM!
  9. I'd definitely go for the quest over the triumph - it reclines better and is slightly more comfortable
  10. There's also freecycle - they'll be taken if you list them there
  11. I've always liked the soft play at Beckenham Spa - it's much cleaner and brighter than Peckham or Gambados (full of dust and fluff - yuck!). There is a smaller bit for younger children/babies and a more adventurous bit for the older kids. There is a cafe on site so you can incorporate a coffee/snack into the trip - I recommend you give it a go.
  12. Have you looked on ebay? If you got something which ended today and you asked for first class delivery you should get it by Monday? For example Good luck!
  13. I just discovered a fantastic solution for scaley flakey adult skin - homemade scrub using extra virgin olive oil and soft brown sugar - just mix together scrub over skin and rinse off - hey presto super soft skin! My hands are feeling very happy right now, and I'm about to go and try it on my unfit to show to the world knees...
  14. Aveeno bath oil is very good. My son has mild eczema and it helps. Plus a paraffin based cream after the bath (cetraben). It sounds like it could be mild ezcema so if it persists worth taking him to see GP who can prescribe bath oil and cream. Have you changed washing powder recently? Could also be due to the cold weather and increased use of central heating - my son's skin has flared up a little in the last few days because of this.
  15. Yes, it's an infant school not primary so just does reception , year 1 and year 2. Then you have to apply again for another school (usually dulwich hamlet)
  16. Clux - I was referring specifically to Dulwich Village Infants school which is only three years from reception to year 2. It wouldn't apply to Heber.
  17. My daughter is in reception at DVI now and the age gap between her and her brother is 3.5 years, and I would say that was the same give or take a few months for a lot of the other children. So by the time the younger siblings are starting school the older ones will have left and the sibling policy won't apply. So I wouldn't worry too much and I think that you would be pretty safe at a distance of 390 metres. Hope that helps!
  18. Baby E loves using his ride on truck as a baby walker. Any kind of vehicle goes down well with him. He is getting wow toys and a scuttlebug (a kind of trike that you can fold up and put under buggy) for christmas.
  19. Yes, all my friends seemed to have babies who ate and slept well, while my daughter did neither! She did however talk very early and was (and is) incredibly sociable with great people skills! You win some, you lose some!
  20. My daughter was just like this! She tended to go through phases of non eating then she would get better again. She's never been a great eater but like your granddaughter has always talked non stop and been full of energy. I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe she is teething and has molars coming through? Those ella's kitchen pouches are a godsend. My daughter has always loved pasta with just butter and grated parmesan - maybe try that? Or bananas?
  21. Dulwich Village Infants is this Saturday 3 December, 12-2.30pm
  22. I agree something like a big box/tin of chocolates, or a jar of homemade jam or chutney each?
  23. Those little soft leather shoes are good and don't fall off - you can get them from Emmanuelle Marshall in ED warehouse or Biff or Soup Dragon. The ones from Emmanuelle Marshall cost ?8.
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