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sanity girl

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Everything posted by sanity girl

  1. Dulwich Village Infants School Saturday 7 December 12 - 2.30pm
  2. My son was like this and I'm afraid that what worked in the end was holding him very firmly under one arm/pinning him down, getting a syringe of medicine into the corner of his mouth and giving it in little squirts (so he couldn't spit out a big dose again) until all gone. At the end he got a chocolate button as a reward. Eventually he accepted the whole process as he knew that if he spat out I'd just keep giving him more until it all went down. Now at 3 years old he is fine at taking medicine.
  3. The best ones I've got for my daughter are from Biff in Dulwich village - have also tried H&M, sainsburys and M&S but not as good. I like them because they have shaped heels.
  4. I'd like a dehumidifier or a decent bread knife. I generally only get a present from my parents (and maybe a token from my ex), but I feel christmas presents are really for the kids anyway.
  5. Can anyone with a marble run post a link to a good one? I'm guessing Amazon would be a good place to look? Cheers! Liking the light up globe suggestion too!
  6. Why not post on the Sali Hughes forum? Lots of well-informed folk on there who would be happy to advise http://forum.salihughesbeauty.com/forum.php
  7. Hi, yes I had the birth I had always hoped for with my second. First was born in Italy, v medicalised, waters broken, v strong contractions from then on, walking epidural and episiotomy - not horrendous, was only 6 hours from established labour until birth, but not what I wanted. Second birth was at Kings with lovely midwife and student midwife - four hours from when I got into labour room until birth, just gas and air, they were so thoughtful straight after the birth - dimmed lights, baby straight on boob, no weighing etc until after he had fed, it was just lovely. And the student midwife stayed on after, ran me a bath and settled baby to sleep while I had a good soak. Baby born at 4am, they let me stay in the same room resting with baby until the next day, I went home at 2pm in the afternoon. Hope you get the positive experience you are hoping for.
  8. Second the recommendation for JAGS. Not cheap, but takes ALL the stress out of the event for the parents!! If you can do a joint party with a friend who has a birthday around the same time it helps with the cost.
  9. If you can afford it get her an Islabike - they are brilliant - lightweight and designed with kids concerns in mind - e.g. brake easy for small hands to squeeze etc. My daughter was never much cop with a balance bike but started riding the islabike straight off with no stabilisers. Same for all her friends who tried one. I think a lot of the traditional kids bikes are really heavy and unwieldy and difficult to learn on, even with stabilisers. Do you know anyone with an islabike she could try?
  10. Daz plus a scoop of miofresh worked best for me. Only a v small amount of daz though- 1-2 tablespoons depending on load. I seem to remember that Ecover doesn't rinse out so well - if you search on a nappy forum like clothnappytree you'll find an explanation
  11. Hi, my son (3) also started there a few weeks ago. I'd be happy to meet too - my parents do drop off and pick up so I feel a bit disconnected from the preschool and it would be lovely to meet some other mums/kids.
  12. It was perfect. A big gap now indeed.
  13. I think you are the one who needs to remember your manners Foxhelp.
  14. As above, I did LOTS of breastfeeding in public, never had any bad experiences. The most approving remarks I had were when I lived in Italy, it was lovely. Agree on getting vests to cover tummy, with a top - top up, vest down.
  15. Left me a snivelling wreck!
  16. coopercat on this forum used to do ironing - she came to collect and then dropped it back off when it was done. You could try sending her a PM to see if she still does this - I would highly recommend her services
  17. On a practical note the hippy chick mattress protectors/flat sheets are great as you can lay them on top of the usual bedding and then just remove if they get soaked - reduces the washing load - these ones http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hippychick-Mattress-Protector-Flat-Sheet/dp/B000F474X2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1378208648&sr=8-2&keywords=hippychick+mattress+protector+flat , http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hippychick-Mattress-Protector-Sheet-White/dp/B000CEQF8U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1378208691&sr=8-3&keywords=hippychick+mattress+protector+flat
  18. NEVER forget to bring a snack at pick up. I have made that fatal error too many times and it is not worth the grief! I think how tired you child will be depends on their character/age/general energy levels. My daughter took to school immediately, loves every minute and is not particularly tired out by the end of the day, but in reception some of her friends were dead on their feet by pick-up. I should add that she had been doing a full day at nursery five days a week for a term before starting reception, so that may have helped. Good luck!
  19. H&M. The kids dept in the Brixton store is excellent, better than the regent street store IMO
  20. My two used the same Puky balance bike with great success. http://www.puky.net/en/mod_produkte_produkt/kategorie/laufrad_lr1/produkt/PUKY_Laufrad_LR1/index.html Daughter has since moved onto an Islabike as her first bike with pedals - they are brilliant and no other kids' bikes compare.
  21. Ludoscotts do you take the magnesium every day or just during ovulation/period?
  22. Does anyone who has experienced this know why it happens? Anna27 can you describe the ovulation pain that you get? Mine is not so much cramps but more like a tenderness/soreness, a bit like the bladder pain you can get with cystitis, but it's not that. Are you doing anything to treat it other than the iron supplements? Totally agree with you about the 2 periods thing - I have the ovulation discomfort/exhaustion, then PMT, then heavy period - it's a nightmare!
  23. Yes, but I haven't done anything about it yet - planning to see my GP. Has become a problem since my periods returned after having my second child. My cycle has also become shorter. I have one good week out of three and a bit. Pretty grim so I feel for you.
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