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titch juicy

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Everything posted by titch juicy

  1. I like the fact that we continue to fly under the radar and the other teams get all the attention. We put enough pressure on ourselves to finally win something of note without the extra pressure that the media spotlight brings.
  2. I almost feel sorry for Uncleglen and the butchering he's getting here.
  3. How do you embed a video on this forum?
  4. Hendersons now talking about moving their HQ from London to Luxembourg. I also read that Lloyds expects other insurers to follow.
  5. Loz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > titch juicy Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I might be wrong, but I thought the "ridiculous > scaremongering" was referring to when we leave > > rather than when we vote/trigger. > > True, though the collapse in the value of the > pound was pretty immediate following the vote. > > But bad stuff is happening already in the wake of > the triggering of Article 50. Today, Lloyds > announce 1 in 7 jobs are off to Brussels. > > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39441035 and Goldmans, UBS and HSBC too http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/goldman-sachs-brexit-bank-jobs-move-out-london-city-eu-deals-european-union-negotiations-a7641876.html http://uk.reuters.com/article/us-davos-meeting-hsbc-idUKKBN1520SO
  6. robbin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There's only one thing I am confident about, which > is that those who constantly complain about the > referendum result are not going to help matters > moving forward and will only make themselves > miserable. You are not getting another referendum > - time to look back, recognise that you were > bombarded with lies about looming disaster (just > as you were with lies the other way about 350m for > the NHS) and try to get some perspective. If you > are still buying-in to the messages from those > same people (the Osborne types) who have now been > proved to have been completely wrong and/or lying, > then you need to have a word with yourself because > you are still being taken in. > > I'm not suggesting you strap on rose tinted > goggles, but be very wary of the messages of doom > coming from people who have been proved wrong (and > not just a bit wrong) already. If, by the way you > do still believe what that well known newspaper > editor George Osborne (and his ilk) say about > Brexit, then I have some swampland in Florida > that's going for a really good price - the > market's just about to take off - get in quick!" No-one's been proved wrong. We haven't left yet, as you acknowledge.
  7. robbin Wrote: - > > I'm not saying it is all going to be roses, but so > far so good (albeit we have not left yet - > obviously I just mean in comparison to the > ridiculous scaremongering scenarios predicted for > this stage) " I might be wrong, but I thought the "ridiculous scaremongering" was referring to when we leave rather than when we vote/trigger.
  8. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > JohnL Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > http://www.southlondonguide.co.uk/eastdulwich/best > > > eastdulrestaurants.htm > > > > "with a branch in Islington" > > > > Is there a connection then ? > > > Oh, well spotted! > > http://www.memsaabislington.co.uk/ > > ETA: At first glance the menu looks very slightly > different It's standard high street Indian fare. But are the two restaurants connected?
  9. I'd be very surprised if the vast majority of those that voted no this time had analysed the differences between the EU in 1975 and 2016.
  10. Has anyone had a steak there, as that's more likely. And they seem reasonably priced although they don't say what size they are.
  11. It amazes me that Honest Burger's signature burger (The Honest Burger- patty, red onion relish, smokey bacon, mature cheddar, pickles, lettuce), made with 32 day aged sirloin from Ginger Pig, which for me is the best burger in London comes in at ?10.75, which includes a full portion of their amazing Rosemary Salted fries. That is surely a good benchmark price.
  12. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > titch juicy Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > ?16 for a bacon cheeseburger. > > Queens bacon cheese burger : ?13.75 > > (although that's still steep... bacon cheeseburger > + fries comes in at ?12 from Meat Liquor, and I > consider that fairly pricey) You're right sorry. It seems that adding red onions puts ?2 on the price.
  13. Scrap that, i've found one. https://www.opentable.co.uk/r/meet-district-london ?16 for a bacon cheeseburger. I get a bit sick of moaning about prices for things like this- I'm fully aware that I sound like a broken record, but seriously, how have they got the gumption to charge that? Do a search on London's best burgers and Time Out comes back with the top 15. The only ones over a tenner and around ?16 are from a Neil Rankin restaurant and at the Mandarin Oriental.
  14. Fair enough. Why is it so bl00dy hard to find a menu online for restaurants these days? If anyone could post a working link to one i'd be very grateful.
  15. Nope what? This would be a lot easier if you said what you were thinking rather than trying to look clever.
  16. Very sorry- 1973
  17. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Because their debut album is out today and it's a > corker. > > Another good song. It's some of the guys from Fat White Family isn't it?
  18. robbin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ha ha ha! > > You do know there was a referendum on this? Last > year. There was a vote in 1972 too, but it didn't stop people campaigning every year since to leave. So what's your point?
  19. Great choice Jah- a terrific song. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >
  20. This young lady can no absolutely no wrong in my book at the moment. Saw her at the Roundhouse last Friday and again on Tuesday. She should be considered a national treasure. Impossible to choose which video to post as there's so many amazing live performances, so i'll settle for this loveliness from a few years ago.
  21. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone been to this place (Queens Rd Peckham)? > http://meetdistrict.co.uk > > Steaks and burgers... could be interesting. > Despite the abysmal name. Their website is down, but from their facebook page i can tell you i won't be visiting until they start using plates. Everything served on flat slates. There's absolutely no need.
  22. What point has it proven? Why are you finding it so tricky to comprehend that snails and garlic butter complement each other? And that the combination of the two tastes good and is therefore a delicacy. A match made in heaven etc.
  23. Louisa, without putting too fine a point on it- you're talking Bow Locks. Arguing the To$$ some might say.
  24. anelia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello, > > The England vs Germany match is on tonight and id > love to watch it somewhere local on a fairly good > sized tv screen with a bit of atmosphere....are > there any local places where someone could watch > it? > > Thanks The Flying Pig or the EDT are probably your best bets.
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