I find it difficult to believe I have just read all 11 pages of this sorry tale. It reminds me of a story about Howard Hughes who was famously reclusive and eccentric. He suffered severe kidney damage in a flying accident and for the rest of his life had great difficulty urinating. He would take about 3 hours to perform the task while seated in a chair. The urine was collected in a Kilner jar and when full they were stored in his hotel room. many dozens of these jars would accumulate until he authorised them to be emptied and cleaned. he then insisted on them being broken and disposed of in an anonymous fashion. My thoughts? Persistent nature of activity and quantity of waste involved, coupled with localisation of activity points to the following... Perpetrator is a deranged/obsessive individual Not an incontinent driver (quantitys and frequencys do not support this theory) Not a wind up/art installation (too many repetitions,a prankster would be bored by now and an artist would have claimed responsibility even if anonymously like Banksy) Not an eco vandal/evil corporate polluter (this type of individual would just quietly place the waste in an unobserved dustbin) Suggestions for apprehension of perp. Fingerprint bottles/DNA check contents. (Anyone sufficiently deranged to be doing this will almost certainly have come to the attention of the police at some point) Mount surveillance with suitable camera/ Mk. 1 eyeball. There are some tiny cameras available which will record several days worth onto an SD card and could be hidden in all sorts of unlikely places. They are not very expensive. In view of the distress that has been caused to several people, the police should be urged to try the first suggestion via the neighbourhood officers. Failing this a direct approach to the Borough Commander might elicit some action. Of course, if a suspect is identified, the good folk of ED will have to find something else to discuss. Is this a desired outcome? :)