I've been producing a series of short films for the environmental charity Global Cool. They are hoping to encourage people to take more flight-free holidays, and holidays by train (traincations!) in particular. Here's an example of one:
Following up on this 'traincation' idea, Global Cool have introduced a competition to win an HD flip cam and a pair of InterRail tickets. The tickets are worth ?560 each and represent a month of unlimited travel around Europe. All one has to do is upload a short clip on to youtube (max 30 seconds), describing your dream train journey. Deadline is very soon though - April 26. It seems to be aimed at people aiming to be presenters, but anyone could do it. Inter-railing is classy, and not just for students! Details here: http://globalcool.org/campaigns/traincation/why Good luck! If you have any questions, you can PM me and I'll try to help out. Best, Susan