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Everything posted by spider69

  1. I thought it was all done by computer from a central location. I have a water meter,not connected for payment, and have never seen anyone read my meter but they do send me letters saying how my water I am using.
  2. With their financial problems perhaps they are overestimating future cashflow for bills to borrow more from the banks
  3. Its Lordship Lane you are meant to have more money than sense!!
  4. It basically says, If your dog shits on the street clear it up. This pavement shitting on this particular space where owners allow them to shit has been going on for along. By the size of the turds it is a big dog or dogs The first sign stopped it for a while but then it got sprayed over by the usual idiot marking their turf. Perhaps it's not a dog!!
  5. Also do not forget when you ask the Council for what Major works are in the pipeline and you get the answer none are planned. This could all change tomorrow or next week, next month. Correct at the time of asking. Beware. Many of these estates need a lot of work.
  6. Why? It does not belong to them.
  7. Tell them cyclists will injure themselves. Normally works when the advantage is for them
  8. You would have thought that local Cllrs would have posted this on the forum as so many people in Dulwich and Peckham use this service. Remember many elderly people do not have Iphones to get this news after waiting at bus stops for god knows how long.
  9. It was only a matter of time before this happened. Another useful local service gone No doubt there will be a new expensive shop that appeals to a few people. A great loss.
  10. Southwark Council aims to raise over £1million by renting out its Tooley Street offices by 2026. When Tooley Street was first purchased it was with the idea that Neighbourhood Housing offices would all be centralised in Tooley Street the surplus NHO offices sold off. It was was found that this building was too small so they then had to get another large office block around Queens Road/New Cross. Tooley Street for the north of the Borough and the other for the south. If they are thinking of renting out TS what happens to all the staff? Sacked or WFH A good accountant could probably make a very rosy and believable spreadsheet including a vast income from Service Charges. Where do all the diversity officers etc go.
  11. If there are any major works,minor works and the works cost more than £250 they have to issue notice of intention, S20, quotes etc and consult with leaseholders. As the Service charge is just an estimate you need to know what the charges are for. As you are part of the Denmark Hill Estate I suspect you are being asked to contribute for any works on the estate. Not a good situation to be in. Non leaseholders get off scott free.
  12. I have just received a flyer from Southwark regarding the brown bin service. Under the heading when to subscribe it states. Dont wait till April save money and sign up NOW. Do new subscribers get a cheaper rate? Like insurance quotes
  13. Just for interest sake. Do you work for on on behalf of Southwark Council PR Department?
  14. Could the £20,000.00 have been used to keep existing projects open and not pie in the sky super ideas by newbys. Coal line and Lido. If it was a a project funded by private donations Southwark should not contribute. They exist to fund existing services.
  15. Checked old Peckham Lido Forum messages, words used were Southwark pledged £10,000.00. Do not have the time to check Coal Line Southwark Council announces its support for the Peckham Coal Line with £10,000 contribution by peckhampeculiar Southwark Council has offered its backing to the Peckham Coal Line, with a £10,000 contribution to the project. Peckham Lido 18 July 2016 · A huge £10k pledge from Southwark Council is a great boost, but we still need over £6k in the next 14days to hit our target. We're not there yet! Please keep pledging and sharing the crowdfunding page: https://www.spacehive.com/peckham-lido Here is a piece in The Southwark News who have been really fantastic at following the campaign. http://www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/council/
  16. I seem to remember this is true. If I recall, may be old age is now kicking in, it was £25,000.oo per project Was covered on the forum. Perhaps someone could check yes or no. Checked old Peckham Lido Forum messages, words used were Southwark pledged £10,000.00. Do not have the time to check Coal Line
  17. Just received renewal notice for the next year £80.00 If this is the new price what will the Council Tax look like?
  18. I am sure they do but not in the Lordship Lane resident criteria. Perhaps people should watch Bremmer, bird and Fortune dinner party sketches. Not a lot has changed in attitudes
  19. Surely in todays world , if a car is parked in a disabled bay why would they have to display the blue badge. All Southwark parking people need to do is consult their data base. The answer is there before they issue the tickets. Blue badge on display not needed They want everyone to go on line why not them?
  20. To add an offside comment. Sometime ago the Council posted a booklet giving Southwark Services up date. One item was regarding collection of refuse. If you wanted a calendar for the year email. Duly did almost a month has now passed, no calendar. All replies from Environmental Servies from the Leader down has send within 2/3 day it will be sent. No calendar. If 1 item cannot be sent what chance do you think you have with 8000 arriving
  21. Rupert james I went along the route you mentioned on 8th March and many times before and never ever got charged. When coming back I always turned into Lyndhurst Grove before the one way system and then round the houses to the back of Avondale Rise to get home and never ever got charged. I have a feeling that Southwark has now closed this local route as others may have been using it. They cannot allow that to happen. New cameras. Now that this has happened it will now cost to go to the medical clinic. Another route closed for the production of fines. Will be interesting to see what they have planned for Bellenden Village now that all the pavement construction is in full swing.
  22. Where did you hear that the Bellenden Road laundromat is going to close? With the the new pavements and road alterations etc how many other useful shops will close?
  23. After reading the postings re P13 I think we are only seeing the start of possibly losing this bus certainly from Bellenden Road in the not too distant future. Walking through this morning it appears that pavements are being widened outside the chemist side of the road, a designated cycle path is being put in narrowing the road down to just about 2 cars which which will most certainly be having double red lines. No stopping. So where will the bus stop be or shoppers stop? This will again be repeated on the following bit of Bellenden Road past Choumert Road up to Avondale Rise. So the end of April to finish all these works looks about right. This is further proof in my mind that Southwark is doing all it can to get vehicles off Southwark Roads with no real idea how it will effect people/shop owners only they must apply green dogma what ever the cost. We used to have Cllrs in the old Lane ward who listened to residents who would have understood the long term effects not any more. So if you have problems walking and do not cycle you are on a hiding to nothing. There is no alternative to help you. You will be marooned You will not know anything until they are done and dusted. Perhaps we need a new Cllr for the Bellenden area to keep us fully informed.
  24. To save anyone making a wasted journey the cash machine at Sainsburys is completely shut down and does not work.
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