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Everything posted by anna_r

  1. Anyone know if anything is running today? CP one o'clock club? Toddler world? Other suggestions?
  2. Resurrecting an old thread as my baby (9 months) has bad eczema on her face and has had for over 2 months now. We've been using hydrocortisone 0.5% for quite a long time and although it does get a bit better some times it never goes completely and sometimes flares up badly again. I've just read all the comments about washing powder/conditioner so am going to switch to ecover liquid and stop fabric conditioner. Double base and epaderm nice for moisturising but not getting rid of it. I'm worried her skin will be permanently scarred as it's on her face, all round her mouth and chin. She sleeps on her front so maybe the bedding is to blame. My main question is about cutting out dairy. I've been to gp twice about it and this was mentioned as something I could try (without much guidance). She is still breastfed so this means cutting out for both of us. How strict do I have to be? I've switched to soya milk and yoghurts but am wondering if am negating my efforts by continuing to have butter? And do eggs count? Are they the worst culprit? Any thoughts appreciated.
  3. Edited because I got my park sides and marmora sides mixed up!
  4. I live on Mundania and would strongly object to the proposal that there be a cut off on Scutari at the junction with Mundania. If the cutoff was on the marmora side of the junction traffic would simply cut into Mundania instead and onto Scutari. If the cutoff was on the park side of the junction traffic would cut into Mundania then down shelbury or dovedale. I don't believe the width of the road or parked cars would have any impact. We get boy racers as it is (one particular one every evening in a white escort...) However if you added a block on the forest hill road end of Mundania as well as the junction between Mundania and scutari (park side) then it might work. The main inconvenience to this plan would be for those living near the forest hill road end of Mundania who would have to turn to get back down the road. The junction out of Mundania onto forest hill road is dangerous as it is now and I wouldn't miss it.
  5. Do you think this is the same man? http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,501557,501579#msg-501579 From what I've heard, description matches
  6. Yes we used to go to sandy balls all the time growin up and adored it. We are taking our two for a long weekend in two weeks so will report back then...it's had a bit of a makeover since we used to go. We always stayed in one of their woodland lodges which is what we're doing this time. Right inthe new forest, beautiful surroundings, loads for kids to do, nice pool, plannin on hiring bikes from their cycle shop. Can't wait x
  7. My 8 month old baby doesn't take a bottle (of milk at least, fine with water grr) and I go to work three days a week. She is fine on food (+water) while I'm gone, started on rice mixed with formula, now has full range of purees and finger foods. I feed her before I leave, express once at work (to keep up supply, it ends up getting thrown away - kings won't take it as baby too old), then feed her when I get home, at bedtimea and once-twice at night. Then feed normally on demand (3 or 4 times a day) on days I don't work. I do find my supply fluctuates quite a lot, annoyingly it builds up thur-sun when I'm at home, then falls while I'm at work so it's low again during the days I'm at home! But she's doing absolutely fine - goes down for nap without a bottle, still very chunky, eating a good variety. Good luck x
  8. Our lovely nanny who has been with us for 1.5 years has just told me she is pregnant. I'm obviously really happy for her but very nervous about the childcare implications. Does anyone have any experience of this or advice? I'm going to speak to simply childcare later and also our nanny payroll company to get advice on those aspects. She is hoping that we keep her job open for 6 months (with a maternity cover nanny) while she decides what she wants to do re hours, days etc after that and she will want to bring her baby to work with her. My gut feel is that there is the potential for lots of change for our two daughters which will be difficult. Does anyone know the legal situation? Thanks x
  9. Like others, daughter (nearly 2.5) still in cotbed with sides and grobag and we're planning on keeping her like that for as long as possible (until 3 I should think). She's a very big 2.5 year old and I think she'll be in the cotbed without sides until she's at least 5, there's still loads of room. Second hand cotbed for S I'd say when the time comes to move new baby from whatever contraption (amby, Moses, sidecot) you choose.
  10. Moos Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I wonder whether it might be a bit tough to go > through life being called Boo, though. Lovely > nickname or family name though, full of affection. :) This is my daughter's nickname...Isaboo (Isabel) and boo for short!
  11. I mean the church where bojangles nursery used to be, opposite henslowe road, not sure of its name
  12. Last Friday morning there was a massive group of people out on the streets after what seemed to be a funeral or memorial service at the church, lots of people drinking, lots of extra cars etc. Do you think it's something to do with the church?
  13. Yes was going to say there's a special breastfeeding area in corner of cafe
  14. We had Sofie with us for labour support for our first birth and yes it is a bit like a cross between an IM and doula. She's brilliant, very experienced, calm, knowledgable, evidence based etc. She came to hospital with us and alhough she cant replace he kings midwives she stayed with us the whole time which was very reassuring (unlike kings who had to leave often, busy ward) and by the end was acting like a team with kings midwife...although she cant do any internal exams and has no official legal standing during the birth. Worth giving her a call and seeing if she migt be rigt. I'm not sure she's doing much labour support anymore (she only used to take on one a month so she can guarantee she'll be available for your birth) as she's so busy with antenatal classes but may still be doing some.
  15. Just planning what exhausting activity we can do to tire them out for nap...swimming is currently top choice
  16. Oh yes, beebies already on :)
  17. Oh no, sorry the blackouts didn't help at all :( keep trying though, maybe his body clock needs to adjust back to more normal hours and if he wakes and it's dark maybe he'll start to settle back himself. We've had blackouts on our windows since both were born so they are very used to it. We had a terrible night too if it's any comfort, from A though...spent a lot of it sitting/dozing with her in the rocking chair. This too shall pass :) x
  18. :( We are outside the catchment area for all our closest community schools. What do we do? How on earth do we know who to apply for??
  19. An aside: we have a 19 mo gap and 8 months later I'm starting to feel it's getting slightly easier and will definitely pay off. They interact more and you can leave together for a bit and they generally nap at the same time. Will get a whole lot better when youngest starts sleeping through though!! Just muddle through those early months :)
  20. I've breastfed in the ergo on a few occasions (eg plane) but didn't find it particularly easy, although that was when she was smaller and breastfeeding overall was more difficult for both of us. Now she's bigger and breastfeeding is easy she's a bit too big for me to carry comfortably in front. A shame because with two I know it could have been really handy. I know some people who've found it fine though so yes trial and error I think.
  21. http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,608396,608517#msg-608517
  22. I seem to remember making a hole in the top and bottom of an egg (not cooked) and blowing the insides out so that you're left just with a shell - which then doesn't smell...I'm sure if you google it you'll find the instructions. Fragile though for 2.5 year old. My daughter's the same age and I can't see it lasting long with her around.
  23. Hi there, our blind has now gone STC but if it falls through I'll let you know. Thanks, anna
  24. I have a gro blind (new name for baa baa blind) for sale if you're interested. It's brand new. We have one for each of our daughters rooms (they're brilliant). John Lewis sent me an extra one then let me keep it because I had loads of problems with a monitor I bought from them. We use it as well as a blackout blind and stops the extra cracks getting through. http://www.thatcuteage.com/p1343-Gro-Anywhere-Blackout-Blind Retails for about ?25 - sell for ?15?
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