It appears there are a number of people on this forum who do a nanny share and find it works very well. I wondered if you had any tips for me. We are about to embark on a nanny share with a good friend from NCT from October when our babies will both be 8 months old. We will be sharing the same days (4 days a week). The nanny has done a very successful nanny share before but with slightly older children (from 14 months). Some questions I have are: - How do you get the two babies into the same routine? Both are not great nappers during the day and need a bit of help to fall asleep. What do you do with the other one while you are getting the other to sleep? Neither of us have gone down the controlled crying route. - How frequently do you switch between the two houses? What additional equipment do we need (e.g. travel cot, high chair)? We have a double pushchair. - On a negative note: what happens if it doesn't work out? Do both families have a right to call it off? We found the nanny so assume we would have a right to keep her as a sole charge role? Or could the other family have a claim? I guess it is just a question of communication clearly between families and nanny, together with a clear contract. - What are the best activities if someone is looking after two babies? Any twin mums with suggestions? - What happens if one person is late from work and the kids are at the other they both pay the overtime? - Anything else?? I found the nanny through Simply Childcare and I think I'll give them a call as well as they were so helpful when I was looking, but I wondered if anyone had experiences they would like to share. Thanks!