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Everything posted by Kailyn

  1. Yeah, that's so true..Most people are never happy with what they have and always want more. I like the poster posted by Loz, it puts everything in perspective.
  2. It always amazes me the things people post. They seem to go straight to facebook as soon as someone dies, that's just awful.
  3. Toy Story 3 was heartbreaking, I find I cry more at children's things now than I used to. Are they making them sadder? I watched Gangsta Granny last week too and that had me in tears. My children just look at me now and roll their eyes. WE're going to see Frozen later this week, must remember the waterproof mascara and shades.
  4. Considering her job this does make me think that she was hacked, whatever, she should have been given a cghance to explain herself and apologise. It's in interesting debate though, who decides what is and isn't appropriate? We all know that what she said was unacceptable but what about freedom of speech? I use twitter for networking and facebook for more personal stuff, I wouldn't be 'friends' with someone n fb unless I knew them in real life. And people should remember that their children are like dreams: fascinating to themselves but crashingly dull to everyone else :)
  5. Brilliant, thanks everyone. No, lol, it's not a cupcake business, bigger cakes, usually birthdays, christenings, weddings, that kind of thing. I'll post a pic later, rushing to go out now. Sue, (great website, just had a look) I'll bear all that in mind. It's early days yet and something I've only just started thinking about. Thank for the replies :)
  6. I make and decorate cakes as a hobby and friends have suggested I make a business out of it, but I don't know where to start. Would I need special insurance to run it from my house? I've thought before about starting a website and have looked around and seen this kind of thing http://website.1and1.co.uk/website-builder but things like domain names make no sense to me. Can anyone direct me to a simple guide to doing all of this?
  7. Have you seen these? My friend has the ones with giraffes on :) http://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/151510991/liladi-letzli-drool-pads-strap-covers?ref=sr_gallery_31&sref=&ga_includes[0]=tags&ga_search_query=chew+pads&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=chew%20padschew%20pads
  8. I like my samsung galaxy S3 but it depends on what you'll use it for. Do you use your phone for emailing/facebook etc? Or just for calls? What size do you want? Are you bothered about looks?
  9. Rich tea biscuits, peppermint tea etc. My boss used to cut a lemon in half and sprinkle a bit of sugar on and lick it! I was worse when I was tired or had an empty stomach. Salty crisps helped too.
  10. I haven't got any magic advice, distraction works sometimes, as does making them laugh but sometimes nothing works at all and it's natura? to lose your temper. Your neighbour didn't know the full details so should have stayed out of it. I think most people who have kids wouldn't judge you, it's happened to us all. Just remember that however bad t is, it will pass and hope that they carry some of that determination and stubborness into adult life when they'll need it :)
  11. Kailyn

    craft beer

    That Ruthless rye is quite nice, only had it in bottles, so that's interesting. One of the nicest beers I've had in a while is the Thornbridge/Sierra Nevada collaboration, Twin Peaks. Very good pale ale.
  12. Me neither, so that cheater sounds great. That's any productivity I was going to have tonight gone.
  13. I was about to argue about Americanisation. But your point about Dragonball Z and 80's music has me. Cell.
  14. GTA brings back some pretty great memories, may have to invest in the Android version, especially if you can play with cheats... Working my way through Assassin's Creed 3 (late to the party I know). In comparison to the last couple of games, it feels really rushed. Not enjoying as much as I'd hoped.
  15. It's gotten to the point where when I have to look up a contact or make a call, I actually have to think about where to go in my phone. Twitter, gmail, chrome, all are instinctual. And yet I still call it a phone.
  16. Loving these! Wrath of God was a great one.
  17. Brilliant, thanks. I think I'll go with the local shop idea. There are a few things that I would have said she'd hate and she's loved them. Teenagers! I'm sure I wasn't that difficult at that age.....;)
  18. My step daughter is about to turn 14 and has said she'd like a watch for her birthday. We'd really like to just buy it so that it's at least a bit of a surprise but have no idea what kind of style to choose. We've been looking around at places like this..http://www.tictactime.co.uk/shop-online-watches-ice-watch-_______1____2213_1___________________________.html and the colourful ones seem quite popular at the minute but should we go for something more calssic? Is she too young for that? Are we completely mad to think we could choose one??
  19. I saw something on facebook, one of those silly pictures that said 'The first person to moan about being too hot gets a punch in the mouth', that made me laugh. But seriously, I don't even want a heatwave, just a tiny bit of sun, even if it's still quite cold. Is that too much to ask???
  20. Hello Catherine. I can recommend the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy for its beautiful landscape, history and food. There are so many things to explore without having to travel too far i.e. historical sites or beaches. Because it's on the coast it doesn't feel that hot, even in June/July. Italy in general is a good place to go with children as they're very child friendly. If you are looking for family accommodation Amalfi Coast villas might suit you. Kailyn
  21. I guess police should fine those cyclists without any lights on. Or at least make some preveventive campaign.
  22. I just moved to East Dulwich and this high criminality scared me out! I will try to keep my eyes open for any suspisious behaviour. This forum is very helpful!
  23. What a theory. I am going to hide and lock all my luggages. But I guess it will not prevent the robbery :(
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