"and, if your dog responds so badly to being stroked or approached by humans, perhaps it really ought to be on a lead when it is amongst humans ..." My dogs are well behaved dogs who enjoy the company of humans, they do not behave badly when being approached. The point I was making is that not all dogs make a nuisance of themselves and give unwanted attention to children, many children give unwanted attention to dogs and their parents fail to teach them the correct way to behave. No human would like to be grabbed at / chased by a stranger in the park, yet you imply this is acceptable treatement for a dog and automatically assume that that my dogs behave badly to humans when I gave no indication as to what their reaction is other than simply saying "if they move away". For the record my dogs enjoy attention from strangers, however, they love walks and when they are on a walk they are less interested in being made a fuss of and more interesed in enjoying their walk and their freedom. They dont react badly at all they just have better things to do and want to get on with those things. I have experienced many children who have asked if my dogs are friendly and can they stroke them, I reply in the positive and both the children and the dogs enjoy the interaction they have.