My garden is entirely enclosed by fairly high fences, I have wood chips on the flower beds and noticed a large number had been kicked all over the decking. Closer inspection led to the discovery of random objects (sweetcorn cobs and a dish cloth, presumably from someone's bin and a large hole dug under the fence from / to next door. I cleared up the mess and filled the hole. The hole reappeared, along with more rubbish, again I filled. This time it apppeared again along with a load of old carpet!?!?!?! I have now put a tile against the fence filling the hole and packed earth hard against the tile! Seems to have done the trick last night, lets see if reinforcements are brought in tonight! I am at a loss at what would do this and why it's so keen on my garden. Also perplexed by the starnge hoard that gets brought in and left! Any ideas anyone?